
美国高校的思想政治教育及其启示 被引量:2

Ideological and Political Education in American Universities and its Enlightenment
摘要 美国高校的思想政治教育"无其名而有其实",它们通过公民教育、道德教育、宗教教育及政治社会化教育等途径,在青年学生中传播美国倡导的主流价值观。美国高校在培养合格公民、促进社会稳定发展、维护资本主义制度等方面发挥了十分重要的作用。美国高校思想政治教育体系成熟完善,比较注重隐性教育方式,学生事务管理实现职业化和专业化,思想政治教育效果良好。虽然中美两国在政治制度、历史文化和教育水平上存在很大的差别,但是,美国高校思想政治教育工作中的很多做法值得我们学习和借鉴。我国高校要进一步加强大学生公民教育,进一步深化显性教育与隐性教育的融合,进一步推进高校辅导员队伍专业化建设。 The ideological and political education in American colleges and universities exists though it is not mentioned. They spread mainstream American values among young students by civic education, moral education, religious education and political socialization education, and some other ways. American colleges and universities play an important role in cultivating qualified citizens, promoting social stability and development, and maintaining the capitalist system, etc. The ideological and political education system in American colleges and universities which pays more attention to the hidden mode of education is mature and perfect. The management of student affairs is vocational and professional and gains effective results in ideological and political education. There are great differences between China and the United States in political system, history, culture and educational level, but many of their practices are worth learning from. Chinese colleges and universities should further strengthen the civic education of college students, further deepen the integration of explicit education and implicit education, and further strengthen the professional construction and development of college counselors.
作者 鲍婷婷 许依帆 BAO Tingting;XU Yifan(School of Business,Taizhou University,Taizhou 318000,China;School of Political Science and Law,Hunan Institute of Science and Technology,Yueyang 414006,China)
出处 《云梦学刊》 2021年第2期118-124,共7页 Journal of Yunmeng
关键词 美国高等学校 思想政治教育 课程思政启示 American institutions of higher learning ideological and political education ideological and political enlightenment
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