
环境行为学视角下的商业步行街广场入口空间设计策略探究——以重庆市三峡广场北门入口空间为例 被引量:2

Research on the Design Strategy of the Entrance Space of Commercial Pedestrian Street Plaza from the Perspective of Environmental Behavior:Taking the Entrance Space of the North Gate of Three Gorges Plaza in Chongqing as an Example
摘要 随着城市商业的发展,核心区域商业步行街入口广场空间对于提升城市街道形象,提高居民幸福指数有着重要作用。重庆市三峡广场北门作为典型的核心商业步行街入口空间,城市街道界面影响大,人流密度高,商业意义重要。文章对三峡广场北门入口空间现状及典型空间要素进行调研分析,依据环境行为学理论,通过对人的行为与空间要素相互关系的探讨,探索提升商业步行街广场入口空间形象与提高使用者舒适度的设计策略。 With the development of urban commerce,the entrance square space of commercial pedestrian street in core area plays an important role in improving the image of urban street and improving the happiness index of residents.As a typical entrance space of the core commercial pedestrian street,the north gate of Chongqing Three Gorges Square has great influence on the urban street interface and high pedestrian density,so it is of great commercial significance.Based on the investigation and analysis of the space status and typical space elements of the north entrance of the Three Gorges Square,this paper explores the design strategies to enhance the space image of the entrance of the commercial pedestrian street and improve the comfort of the users based on the theory of environmental behavior and through the discussion of the relationship between human behavior and space elements.
作者 黄善洲 Huang Shanzhou
出处 《建筑与文化》 2021年第3期174-175,共2页 Architecture & Culture
关键词 三峡广场 环境行为学 入口空间 行为特征 Three Gorges Plaza environmental behavior science entrance space behavior characteristics
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