
设计教育的路径及策略探析: 创新人才培养的新视角 被引量:14

An Analysis on the Path and Strategy of Design Education:A New Perspective of Cultivating Innovative Talents
摘要 创新能力是国家、组织及个人长足发展的关键力量,如何培养创新人才是当前教育发展的重要议题。设计作为一种创造力活动,是实现创新的重要途径和有效方式。文章基于设计与创新的相互依存关系,分析了设计及设计教育在促进创新人才的知识、思维与人格方面发展的价值与意义,以此论证了设计教育发展的必然性。在此基础上,梳理了设计教育由家庭师徒传承的教育形态发展到知识网络时代以创新为目标的设计素养教育形态,提出了不同教育阶段创新人才培养的途径,高等教育阶段一方面可开设专门的设计相关课程,另一方面可将设计与其他学科课程融合,以设计思维开展教育教学实践;基础教育阶段通过艺术与设计、设计与技术为主的设计课程,与学科课程融合的课程以及创客教育的途径来开展设计教育。在开展设计教育过程中,教师以设计思维方法为创新变革教学的策略和方法,通过整合设计素养与学科素养作为培养目标,由简单到复杂来设计教学内容,并在多元泛在化的课程中指导学生以设计思维方法来完成实践活动,促进学生创新能力的养成。 Innovation ability is the key force for the long-term development of a country,an organization and an individual.How to cultivate innovative talents is an important issue in current educational development.As a creative activity,design is an important and effective way to realize innovation.On this basis,this paper sorts out the development of design education from the educational form inherited by family teachers and apprentices to the educational form of design literacy with innovation as the goal in the era of knowledge network,and puts forward the ways to cultivate innovative talents at different educational stages.In the stage of higher education,special design-related courses can be set up,while design can be integrated with other courses to carry out educational teaching practice with design thinking.In the stage of basic education,design education is carried out by means of design courses focusing on art and design,design and technology,curriculum integrated with discipline courses,and maker education.In the design education,teachers change the teaching method to promote the students'innovative ability,that taking design thinking as the strategies and methods.They should integrate design literacy and discipline literacy as learning objectives,design learning content from simple to complex,and guide students using design thinking method to complete the practice in multiple and ubiquitous courses.
作者 陈鹏 黄荣怀 CHEN Peng;HUANG Ronghuai(College of Education,Capital Normal University,Beijing 100048;Smart Learning Institute,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875)
出处 《电化教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期18-26,共9页 E-education Research
基金 广西壮族自治区科技计划项目“‘互联网+’教育服务业创新设计方法体系构建与应用”(项目编号:桂科AB18126068)。
关键词 创新人才培养 设计 设计教育 设计思维 Innovative Personnel Training Design Design Education Design Thinking
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