
可交易电子路票机制下行为效应验证研究 被引量:1

Research on the verification of behavioral effects under the tradable credit scheme
摘要 针对目前可交易电子路票机制下关于个体出行行为研究主要集中在理论研究方面的问题,采用实验经济学的研究方法,挑选若干名参与者进行线下互动实验,并对参与者的行为效应进行验证。首先,以BPR函数和集合竞价机制为基础,设计实验交通网络和路票交易市场规则,以此实现模型与现实生活的有效结合。其次,随着实验环节迭代,参与者在路线选择和路票交易阶段表现出各种行为效应,通过分析实验数据对多种行为效应进行验证,包括学习效应、损失厌恶、复杂性规避。最后,通过实验结束后的数据分析和问卷调查,证实可交易电子路票方案的有效性及可行性。实证研究结果可为可交易电子路票在交通控制领域的应用提供方案设计思路。 To solve the problem that the current researches on the individual travel behaviors under the tradable credit scheme mainly focus on the theoretical study,this paper adopts the method of experimental economics by selecting some participants taking part in the offline interactive experiments and verifies the various behavioral effects of participants.First,based on the BPR function and collective bidding mechanism,the experimental traffic network and the rules for the tradable credit market are designed to achieve the effective combination of the model and the real world.Second,with the iteration of the experiment,participants show various behavioral effects during the route selection and credits trading stages.A variety of behavioral effects are verified by analyzing the experimental data,including learning effect,loss aversion,complexity avoidance.Finally,through the data analysis and questionnaire survey after the experiment,the validity and feasibility of the tradable credit scheme are further confirmed.The empirical research results can provide the design guidance for the application of tradable credit scheme in the field of traffic control.
作者 刘恬婧 田丽君 LIU Tianjing;TIAN Lijun(School of Economics and Management, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China)
出处 《技术与市场》 2021年第3期21-25,共5页 Technology and Market
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“路面通行时间不确定下通勤个体出行安排决策行为建模与分析”(71671044)。
关键词 可交易电子路票 实验经济学 行为经济学 学习效应 损失厌恶 Tradable credits Experimental economics Behavioral economics Learning effect Complexity avoidance
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