
TPB理论视角下的师范生书写技能培养影响研究 被引量:1

Influencing Factors Study of Normal School Students Writing Skills Basedon the Theory of Planned Behavior
摘要 研究基于TPB理论的视角,对师范生“三笔字”书写技能学习进行检验与评估,为促进“三笔字”技能培养提供理论参考依据。运用结构方程模型方法,通过问卷调查约400名师范生,借助AMOS软件分析师范生“三笔字”书写技能学习的影响因素及作用机理。结果显示,行为态度、主观规范、行为控制认知均有显著影响,其中,控制认知对学习行为意向影响最大,主观规范对行为态度、行为控制认知均有显著影响,自我认知对主观规范、行为控制认知均有显著影响。结论建议提升易学感、适当压力感和帮助树立正面自我认知,有助于促进师范生“三笔字”书写技能培养。 To provide theoretical basis for promoting the normal school students writing skills,examine and evaluate the writing learning Behavioral Intentions basing on the TPB theory.By using SEM method,influencing factors and mechanism of action were analyzed from about 400 normal university students questionnaires.Behavioral attitude,subjective norm and perceived behavioral control had significant influence,and perceived behavioral control had the greatest influence.Subjective norm have significant influence on behavior attitude and perceived behavioral control.Self-cognition has significant influence on subjective norm and perceived behavioral control.It is suggested that improving the sense of ease of learning,appropriate sense of pressure and positive self-cognition can promote the development of“three-stroke Chinese character”skills.
作者 王艳芳 Wang Yan-fang(School of Educational Science,Quanzhou Normal University,Fujian Quanzhou 362000)
出处 《教师教育论坛》 2020年第3期27-33,共7页 Teacher Education Forum
基金 福建省教育科学“十三五”规划2018年度重点项目“慕课背景下的师范生‘三笔字技能培养研究”(FJJKCGZ18-842) 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目“面向汉字书写教育的中小学教师胜任力模型研究”(JAS180330).
关键词 计划行为理论 书写技能 三笔字 结构方程模型 TPB theory Writing skills Three-stroke Chinese character SEM
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