
一种基于干扰观测器的永磁同步电机线性化反馈控制 被引量:2

Linearized feedback control of PMSM based on disturbance observer
摘要 永磁同步电机在转速控制中当存在较强非线性或外界干扰时,传统控制算法难以对电机实现高精度的跟踪控制。因此,本文提出一种基于干扰观测器的永磁同步电机线性化反馈控制,在建立的电机模型上引入外界干扰,通过线性化反馈控制和干扰观测器的方法对外界的非线性和干扰进行补偿。仿真结果表明,该方法能够有效地提高永磁同步电机的跟踪控制精度。 Due to the influence of nonlinearity and external disturbance on the speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM),traditional control algorithms cannot achieve high-precision tracking control.Therefore,a linearized feedback control of the PMSM is proposed based on the disturbance observer.The external disturbance is introduced into the motor model,and nonlinearity and disturbance are compensated through linearized feedback control and disturbance observers.Simulation results show that the method can effectively improve the tracking control accuracy of the PMSM.
作者 朱鹏 陈施华 张杰 游新望 ZHU Peng;CHEN Shi-hua;ZHANG Jie;YOU Xin-wang(No.8 Research Academy of CSSC, Nanjing 211153)
出处 《雷达与对抗》 2021年第1期50-53,共4页 Radar & ECM
关键词 干扰观测器 反馈线性化 伺服控制 disturbance observer feedback linearization servo control
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