
以恶性心律失常为主要临床表现的登革热心肌炎1例病例报告 被引量:1

Dengue Myocarditis with Malignant Arrhythmia as the Main Clinical Manifestation:A Case Report
摘要 登革热是由登革病毒引起的心、肝、肾、肺等多器官功能障碍的临床综合征。2019年9月我院收治1例登革热患者,因胸痛入院,既往有心房颤动病史,查肌钙蛋白升高,冠脉造影检查提示前降支中段心肌桥,住院期间出现心室颤动、室性心动过速,予心脏电除颤、电复律后转为窦性心律,随后转为心房颤动心律,考虑为登革热心肌炎,予隔离,抗心律失常,抗凝,输注人免疫球蛋白冲击治疗等对症支持治疗,治愈出院。 Dengue fever is a clinical syndrome of heart,liver,kidney and lung dysfunction caused by Dengue cirus.In September 2019,a patient with dengue fever was admitted to our hospital due to chest pain.The patient had a history of atrial fibrillation and was found to have elevated Troponin.Coronary angiography revealed myocardial bridge in the middle anterior descending branch.During hospitalization,the patient deveploped ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia.Sinus rhythm showed after defibrillation and cardioversion,followed by atrial fibrillation.The diagnose was considered Dengue Myocaritis.After quarantine,antiarrhythmia,anti-coagulation,infusion of human immunoglobulin and other support treatment,the paitient was cured and discharged.
作者 张小乐 苏永才 陈力行 林中鸣 石镇涛 赖绍斌 ZHANG Xiao-le;SU Yong-cai;CHEN Li-xing;LIN Zhong-ming;SHI Zhen-tao;LAI Shao-bin(CCU Room,The First People's Hospital of Zhaoqing City,Zhaoqing 526020,Guangdong Province,China;Department of Internal Medicine-Cardiovascular,The First People's Hospital of Zhaoqing City,Zhaoqing 526020,Guangdong Province,China)
出处 《罕少疾病杂志》 2021年第2期6-7,62,共3页 Journal of Rare and Uncommon Diseases
关键词 登革热 心肌炎 Dengue Fever Myocarditis
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