该研究使用的Halobacterium salinarum是极端嗜盐菌的模型生物之一。通过对菌热处理后,添加培养滤液,进行37℃振荡培养,测量OD600值观察菌的生长情况,以确定该菌是否含有耐热因子及探讨了该菌培养滤液中所含成分对该菌生长繁殖的影响。结果,80 ℃热处理后,如果不添加培养滤液,该菌不生长;添加培养滤液时,从第十天左右开始,OD600≈0.2~0.3,并且通过显微镜的观察,确认了菌的存在。另外,将培养滤液用活性炭进行吸附,再用乙醇进行溶出后的效果也进行了研究。结果显示:将100%的乙醇溶出液分别加入热处理菌后进行培养,结果70 ℃的热处理菌有生长延迟的倾向。可以推断出:培养滤液中有可能存在某种阻碍该菌生长的成分。根据该研究,明确证实了培养滤液中既含有Halobacterium salinarum的生长促进因子,又含有阻碍因子。通过分析这些成分,期待可以将休眠机制解释清楚并对该菌以外的极端嗜盐菌的耐热性的研究提供研究基础。
Halobacterium salinarum is a model organism of extreme halophiles.In this study,firstly,we collected the culture filtrate of the halophile culture solution which continued to shake culture at 37℃after heat shock at different temperature.Then we continue to culture the heat-activated halophile by using the medium with the culture filtrate,and observed the growth by measuring the OD600 value to determine whether the halophile contains heat-resistant factors.Simultaneously exploring the effects of the components contained in the culture filtrate on the growth and reproduction of the halophile.Results:After heat treatment at 80℃,only when the culture filtrate was added,the halophile began to grow from about the tenth day,OD600≈0.2~0.3,and the presence of the halophile was confirmed by microscopic observation.Further,the effect of culture filtrate adsorbed by activated carbon and dissolved by ethanol was also studied.As a result,100%ethanol solution was added to the heat-treated halophile for culture,which at 70℃tend to have a delayed growth.It can be inferred that there may be some components in the culture filtrate that hinder the growth of the halophile.According to the present study,it was clearly confirmed that the culture filtrate contained both the growth promoting factor and the inhibitory factor of halophile.By analyzing these components,it is expected that the dormancy mechanism can be explained clearly and the research basis for the study of the heat resistance of other extreme halophiles is provided.
ZHANG Xu;CUI Shanshan(Changchun Polytechnic,Changchun,Jilin Province,130000 China)
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