
健康传播视域下HPV感染相关研究概况 被引量:1

Overview of HPV infection related studies from the perspective of health communication
摘要 人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)与宫颈癌的病因学关系及性传播疾病的特点,使其成为临床医生、公共卫生和健康传播专家共同关注的议题。健康传播因其跨学科的背景,融合了临床医学、公共卫生学、心理学、传播学等多个领域,研究角度多样。本文从健康传播学的角度,基于传播学的5W模式,即谁(Who)、说了什么(says What)、通过什么渠道(in Which channel)、对谁说(to Whom)、取得了什么效果(with What effect),分析并归纳了HPV相关信息的传播者研究、传播内容研究、传播渠道研究、受众及传播效果研究,从中探讨现有研究的局限性,并阐述研究思路及方向。 Human Papillomavirus(HPV)infection is a common research topic of clinicians,public health professionals,as well as health communication experts because of its etiological relationship with cervical cancer,and its sexually transmitted feature.Health communication is an interdisciplinary science,which integrates areas such as clinical medicine,public health,psychology,and communication,which has a wide range of research fields and diverse research perspectives.From the scope of health communication,this article is based on the"5 W"(Who,says What,in Which channel,to Whom,with What effect)mode of communication,to analyze and summarize the research on the communicator,the content of the communication,the research of the communication channel,the audience and the communication effect of HPV-related information,from which the limitations of the existing research are discussed,and the research ideas and directions are explained.
作者 袁谢华 鲁琳琳 杜琰 YUAN Xiehua;LU Linlin;DU Yan(Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital,Fudan University,Shanghai 200011,China)
出处 《中国妇幼健康研究》 2021年第2期320-324,共5页 Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
基金 上海人才发展资金(2017090-2017017)。
关键词 健康传播 HPV感染 5W模式 人乳头瘤病毒 health communication HPV infection 5W model human papilloma virus
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