
福建武夷山市城村汉城植物考古及年代学新资料 被引量:1

摘要 城村汉城遗址位于武夷山市兴田镇城村村西南,是一处重要的汉代城址。我们在2016年对该城址北城门发掘区土样进行了浮选,发现可鉴定炭化种子167粒,包括粳稻(Oryza sativa ssp. japonica, n=58)、稗(Echinochloa crusgalli, n=11)、滨柃(Eurya emarginata, n=81)、蓼科(Polygonaceae sp., n=5)、莎草科(Cyperaceae sp., n=3)、菊科(Compositae sp., n=4)、野慈姑(Sagittaria trifolia, n=1)、紫苏(Perilla frutescens, n=3)、悬钩子属(Rubus sp., n=1)等。这些植物遗存的发现为研究西汉中期闽越地区的农业和经济形态提供了重要信息。结果表明,水稻应该是城村汉城先民最重要的农作物和主食。滨柃是一种优良的园艺树种,具有耐盐和抗风的特性,其自然分布带位于滨海地区。滨柃在城村汉城的发现表明闽越国时期存在将沿海树种引种至内地的行为。同时,我们还对发现的炭化稻和竹篾进行了碳十四年代测定,结果显示北城门废弃的年代与历史文献所载汉武帝灭闽越国的时间是一致的。针对城址可再利用金属物品的分析表明城村先民在战争结束之后迁往别处,也与《史记》的记载相吻合。本研究提供了有关城村汉城经济生活和年代问题的新线索。 The Chengcun Han City site, an important site of the Han Dynasty, is located to the southwest of Chengcun village, Xingtian town, Wuyishan city. In this paper, we are mainly reporting the results of archaeobotany findings of flotation work with soil samples from the North Gate site which was excavated in 2016. A total number of 167 grains of carbonized seeds were identified, including rice( Oryza sativa ssp. japonica, n = 58), barnyard millet( Echinochloa crusgalli, n = 11), Eurya emarginata( n = 81), Polygonaceae sp.( n = 5), Cyperaceae sp.( n = 3), Compositae sp.( n = 4), arrowhead( Sagittaria trifolia, n = 1), purple perilla( Perilla frutescens, n = 3) and Rubus sp.( n =1), which provides important information for researching the agriculture and economic life of Minyue region in the middle West Han Dynasty. The results suggest that the rice should be the most important crop and a staple food re-source for the Chengcun Han City ancients. Eurya emarginata is a salt tolerant and wind resistant shrub which is naturally distributed in coastal areas. Its archaeological existence in Chencun Han City site reveals the behavior of in-troducing the potential landscape plants from coastal area to inland in the Minyue kingdom period. In addition, we carried out the14 C dating on one carbonized rice seed and one bamboo remain, of which the results indicate that the abandonment age of the North Gate was coincident with the literature recorded time when Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty destroyed the Minyue kingdom. The additional analysis on abandoned recyclable metal artifacts suggests that the people lived around the city being moved away after the city ruined in warfare, which was consistent with the records in Shiji. The present research provides new clues for the research of the subsistence economy and chronology of Chengcun Han City.
出处 《南方文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期122-129,共8页 Cultural Relics in Southern China
关键词 城村汉城遗址 植物考古 生业经济 年代学 Chengcun Han City Site Archaeobotany Subsistence Economy Chronology
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