

Analysis of hospitalization expenses and influencing factors of suicide patients in a class a tertiary hospital in Anhui Province
摘要 目的本研究在安徽省皖南地区最大的综合性医院调取9年因自杀住院的患者信息,采用回顾性研究的方法对皖南地区自杀患者住院费用及影响因素进行研究,为安徽省自杀预防政策的制定提供参考。方法通过自制调查表,对2010年1月1日—2018年12月31日收治的自杀住院患者的住院病案首页信息进行收集,并使用中位数(四分位数)、Х^(2)检验、二元logistic回归分析进行统计分析。结果该研究中农村(70.6%)自杀率高于城市(29.4%),女性(57.6%)多于男性(42.4%),21~40岁组(32.6%)自杀率最高,农民(40.6%)自杀率最高。自杀患者人均住院费用为5435.12元,其中:药品费用最高为1833.74元;住院费用单因素分析发现年龄、医保类型、职业、入院病情、出院病情、自杀方式、自杀季节、是否手术、住院天数对住院费用有影响;多因素分析发现医保类型、入院病情、出院情况、自杀季节、是否手术、住院天数是自杀住院费用的影响因素。结论皖南地区农村青壮年女性自杀率最高,自杀方式多采用自饮农药,自杀住院负担重,有关部门要加强对农药的监管及对重点人群的关注和干预。 Objective This study collected 9 years of information about suicide patients in the largest general hospital in southern Anhui Province,and conducted a retrospective study on the hospitalization costs and influencing factors of suicide patients in southern Anhui so as to provide a theoretical reference for the formulation of suicide prevention policies in southern Anhui Province.Methods Through the self-made questionnaire,the homepage information of the medical records of the inpatients who were treated for suicide from January 1,2010 to December 31,2018 was collected and used with median(quartile),chi-square test,binary logistic regression analysis to conduct statistical analysis.Results In this study,the rural(70.6%)suicide rate was higher than that of urban(29.4%),female(57.6%)was more than male(42.4%),21-40 years old was 32.6%and41-60 years old was 30.2%.The suicide rate in farmers(40.6%)was the highest.The per capita hospitalization cost for suicide is 5,543.12 yuan,and among them,the drug cost is up to 1833.74 yuan.The single factor analysis of hospitalization expenses found that age,type of medical insurance,occupation,admission condition,discharge condition,suicide method,suicide season,whether surgery is conducted,hospitalization days have an impact on hospitalization expenses.Multivariate analysis found that the type of medical insurance,admission,discharge,suicide season,surgery,hospital stay were the influencing factors of suicide hospitalization.Conclusion The rural young women in southern Anhui have the highest suicide rate.Among the common suicide methods is self-drinking pesticide.The burden of suicide hospitalization is heavy.Relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of pesticides and closely follow key groups of people and make due interventions.
作者 夏泳 葛丹丹 袁媛 栾家杰 刘晓云 XIA Yong;GE Dandan;YUAN Yuan;LUAN Jiajie;LIU Xiaoyun(The First Affiliated Hospital of Wannan Medical College(Yijishan Hospital of Wannan Medical College),Wuhu 241000,China)
出处 《现代医院》 2021年第1期87-90,共4页 Modern Hospitals
基金 安徽省教育厅人文社科项目(SK2016A0963) 安徽高校人文社会科学研究项目(SK2019A0221) 中国光华科技基金(KY20060212)。
关键词 自杀 住院费用 影响因素 安徽省 Suicide Hospitalization Expenses Influencing Factors Anhui Province
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