In the nearly half a century,the one sure source of lasting competitive advantage is knowledge innovation,whose sole business is continuous innovation.When markets shift,technologies proliferate,competitors multiply,and products become obsolete almost overnight,successful companies are those that consistently create new knowledge,disseminate it widely throughout the organization,and quickly embody it in new technologies and products.The knowledge innovation is pushing the social and economic transformation,promoting social change and helping science and technology development,especially,when the big data,virtual reality,artificial intelligence,as well as the kinds of humanoid robot′s technology is widely used in the scenes of production,manufacture and life.it is said that knowledge innovation will become the most important key and the latest power in the development of national economy.As the primary part of productivity,in the past,knowledge has significantly changed in quantity and quality in the economic aspect of the developed countries,in the future,it will gradually become the basic driving force of the national economy in the development countries.It is true that knowledge innovation is considered to be the determinant of the development of national productivity and competitiveness when facing seriously and violently economic competition in the future of the world.As the basic cell of national economy,It is impossible to the enterprise to leave the knowledge innovation in order to the survival and development because the knowledge innovation will become the important strategic means for enterprises to cope with the severe industrial environment and the fierce market competition,more and more companies,businesses and enterprises is developing a new stage and attempt to acquire and maintain the core competitive advantage.Because it is important thinking and preparation in modern enterprise,so this article formal and serious conducting this research and work about the management problem of knowledge economy and knowledge innovation.Economic Development Theory opens up a research trip of knowledge creation in the beginning of the 20 th century.Then,knowledge innovation had been distinguished from knowledge creation as a define clear field of study was the article knowledge Innovation:The Common Language by American scholar Amidon in 1993.Because it not only improves innovation ability and environmental adaptability and core competitive ability of enterprise,dissolve the market risk,reduce the management cost,strengthen organization,help the enterprise to become outstanding,but also prosperity the national economy and guarantee the whole social progress,so that the academics and management practitioners has continues researched it until now.Specifically,with the deepening of China′s economic reform,the knowledge innovation has become a hotspot of the current research in China.To this,we cannot help to ask:what about we know in the field of research on knowledge innovation in the past?What is been studying by the academics and management practitioners at present?What also need to be explored in the future?In general,the researchers and authors of an academic journal literature and paper who defines the area of research and status description which mainly according to their self in research field of the knowledge innovation,few studies less have used citation data for quantitative analysis when they have analyzed the system and development evolution process of research area.It is that the Citation Method usually can be more objectively,without personal bias.It can be revealed the research issues and future research trends without be limited by the circle of evaluation method which are not aware of by experts and researchers.It can be used as a strong support and supplement to the literature review and received the recognition from the academic circle.For this purpose,in order to understand the knowledge system of the knowledge innovation and its evolution in the academic and literature study,this paper is dedicated to exploring the following three questions:What is research topic in the field of academic and literature study in the existing knowledge innovation?How evolve about the research topic?What will become topic research issues in this field in future.Therefore,the cited method is adopted in this paper,this article choose the most seven authoritative academic journals in the world,such as Academy of Management Review,Strategic Management Journal,Journal of Management,Human Resource Management,International Journal of Human Resource Management,R&D Management,Journal of Product Innovation Management,we also choose three Chinese domestic authority journal in this field(Management World,Science Research Management,Nankai Management Review),have completed a full scan the 10 journals and analyzed the influence and uniqueness about samples and the literature by used Collaborative Cited Matrix and Heterogeneity Time LOG Model.At the same time,have supplemented dynamic Platts Diagram in order to show the development and evolution of the research topics in the field of knowledge Innovation,because it can reveal different issues between researchers and research and the growth rate of uniqueness to assess development potential of future in every research issue,expand the research intellectual link between the literature and influence.Finally,through the empirical research,the results of this study will reveal the main research issues and development process at present,and the possible research directions in the research field of knowledge innovation in future.By the citation method,this paper empirically tested the most heated topics in current research.This article are not only analyzed quantitatively the research topics on knowledge innovation and their developing trajectory,also identified the potential area and opportunities for future research.The results reveal 16 most important research topics and their dynamic evolution,the majority of research topics have shifted from strategic perspective to operational perspective,the future research opportunities are such as cross-border innovation,open innovation,knowledge sharing and transfer,external knowledge and innovation,the innovation network,innovation evaluation and application,innovation ecology and environmental and so on.The findings will solve some of questions which always cause confused and puzzled of experts and scholars,in order to promote theory research and offer referencing and guiding for enterprise practice in knowledge innovation.
Sun Daguang;Tang Xiaofei;Lu Pingjun(Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,Chengdu 611130,Sichuan,China;School of Business Administration of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,Chengdu 611130,Sichuan,China;Business School,Yunnan University of Finance and Economics,Kunming 650221,Yunnan,China)
Science Research Management
knowledge innovation
citation analysis
research topic