

An Inferentialist Approach to Semantic Normativity
摘要 语言意义的规范性问题是当代语言哲学领域的一个典型论题,但如何解释这种规范性引发了大量争论。布兰顿、佩雷格林等人的推论主义理论支持了规范性主张。本文试图表明,这种推论主义进路有助于澄清语义规范性的具体问题。首先,通过阐明推论性规则的主要特征和作用可知,语言不仅通过传统意义上的构成性规则、调节性规则、指示性规则在联结与表征世界中发挥作用,更在说话者的言语实践中体现其语用效力和推论价值。其次,基于推论主义进路,可以更有力地反驳关于"规范"的规则论和规律论解读,展示规范性的多重意蕴。最后,通过对与规范性密切相关的"正确性""指示性"的辨析,我们将表明推论主义进路能够廓清语义"规范"的内涵,并且为"正确性""指示性"等相关问题提供合理说明。 The semantic normativity is a typical topic in the fields such as contemporary philosophy of language, but how to explain the normativity has caused plenty of discussions. The inferentialist theory proposed by Robert Brandom and Jaroslav Peregrin, et al. supported the normative claims. This paper tries to argue that the inferentialist approach helps to clarify the specific problems in semantic normativity. Firstly, after explaining the main characteristics and functions of inferential rules, it can be seen that language not only plays a role in connecting and representing the world by the traditional constitutive rules, regulative rules and prescriptive rules, but also embodies its pragmatic effects and inferential value in the speakers’ speech acts. Secondly, based on the inferentialist approach, we can give more powerful objections to the classic readings of "norm", i.e., regulism and regularism. Finally, by differentiating between "correctness" and "prescriptivity" which are closely related to normativity, we will show that the inferentialist approach can help to expound the connotation of semantic "norm" and provide a reasonable explanation for the related problems such as "correctness" and "prescriptivity" problems.
作者 赵晓聃 陈敬坤 ZHAO Xiao-dan;CHEN Jing-kun(Research Center for Philosophy of Science and Technology,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006;School of Philosophy and Sociology,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China)
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期9-14,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“超越规范主义与自然主义——语言意义的解释与辩护问题研究”(20YJC720031) 山西省高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地项目“科学解释与规范性问题研究”(20190102) 山西省高等学校“高等学校学科创新引智计划”(111Project)(D20021)。
关键词 规范性 推论主义 构成性 指示性 正确性 normativity inferentialism constitutivity prescriptivity correctness
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