
环境规制约束下新疆棉农生产环境保护意愿与行为的影响因素研究 被引量:10

Study on factors influencing environmental protection willingness and behavior of cotton farmers in Xinjiang under the restriction of environmental regulation
摘要 在农业面源污染较为突出的背景下,环境规制是否对新疆棉农的生产环境保护行为起到了规范作用?环境规制在治理农业面源污染中效果是否显著?这些问题成为全社会关注的问题。在对新疆重点植棉县的棉花种植户问卷调查的基础上,通过将环境规制分析归类为命令控制型、宣传教育型、经济激励型三种类型,运用SPSS17.0软件进行Probit双变量实证分析,探究环境规制对新疆棉农生产环境保护意愿与行为及二者之间差异的影响。结果表明:环境规制对新疆棉农的环境保护意愿与行为的规范作用较显著。其中命令控制型环境规制的规范作用最大,但命令控制型在意愿模型中不显著,棉农的环保意愿与行为相悖;经济激励型环境规制对棉农生产的环保意愿和行为影响不显著,宣传教育型环境规制对棉农的环保意愿和行为影响显著。而棉农的个性特征、环境素养、环保技能对其环保意愿与行为有显著影响。因此,我们认为在强化命令控制型和经济激励型环境规制规范棉农的生产环保行为的同时,要更加注重宣传教育型环境规制和环保技术培训在塑造棉农环保行为自觉性上的积极作用。 Under the background of agricultural non-point source pollution,do environmental regulations regulate the environmental protection behavior of cotton farmers in Xinjiang?Is the effect of environmental regulation significant in controlling agricultural non-point source pollution?These problems have become the concern of the whole society.Based on the questionnaire survey of cotton growers in key cotton planting counties in Xinjiang,and categorizing environmental regulations into command and control type,propaganda and education type,and economic incentive type,the Probit bivariate empirical analysis was carried on by using SPSS17.0 software to explore the impact of environmental regulations on the willingness and behavior of cotton farmers in Xinjiang,and the differences among them.The results show that environmental regulations have a significant normative effect on the environmental protection willingness and behavior of cotton farmers in Xinjiang.Among them,command-and-control environmental regulation has the largest normative role,but the command-and-control type is not significant in the willingness model,and cotton farmers'environmental protection intention is contrary to their behavior.The economic incentive environmental regulation has no significant influence on the environmental protection willingness and behavior of cotton farmers,while the publicity and education environmental regulation has significant influence on the environmental protection willingness and behavior of cotton farmers.The personality characteristics,environmental literacy and environmental protection skills of cotton farmers have significant impacts on their willingness and behavior of environmental protection.Therefore,we believe that in order to strengthen the command and control type and economic incentive type of environmental regulation to standardize the production of cotton farmers'environmental protection behavior,we should pay more attention to the publicity and education type of environmental regulation and environmental protection technology training in shaping the cotton farmers'awareness of environmental protection behavior.
作者 周子渭 马琼 侯玉龙 岳东芹 姚心雨 ZHOU Ziwei;MA Qiong;HOU Yulong;YUE Dongqin;YAO Xinyu(College of Economics and Management,Tarim University,Alar 843300;Institute of Economic and Social Development in Southern Xinjiang,Tarim University,Alar 843300,China)
出处 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期8-13,共6页 Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
基金 南京农业大学-塔里木大学联合基金项目(NNLH201905) 新疆自治区科研创新项目(XJ2020G285)资助。
关键词 环境规制 棉农 环境保护 意愿 行为 新疆 environmental regulation Xinjiang cotton farmers production environment intentions behavior
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