
船体复合材料帽型加筋板渐进破坏分析 被引量:3

Progressive failure of hat-stringer-stiffened composite panel in the hull
摘要 复合材料加筋板复杂的破坏过程与失效形式增加了应用难度。以面外均布载荷与面内压缩联合作用下的夹芯复合材料帽型加筋板为研究对象,在通过试验结果验证非线性有限元方法准确性的基础上,基于复合材料的hashin准则与胶层界面的最大应力准则展开渐进破坏分析,讨论了极限载荷、破坏模式及失效机理。采用有限元子模型技术对中段破坏区域建模,基于Shokrieh-Hashin准则进行局部破坏分析,讨论蒙皮的铺层损伤规律。结果表明:加筋板呈整体一阶屈曲破坏,极限载荷为316.8 kN;壁板下蒙皮的纤维压缩失效是导致加筋板整体破坏的原因;各铺层的面内失效规律基本相同,蒙皮的纤维压缩失效从外层逐渐向内层扩展,且扩展速率逐渐降低。 Complex failure process and forms of composite stiffened panel increase difficulty for application. Based on experimental results to verify the accuracy of the nonlinear finite element method, the progressive failure of the hat-stringerstiffened composite panel under the external uniform load and in-plane compression was analyzed according to Hashin criterion and maximum Stress Criterion. Then the ultimate load, failure mode and mechanism were discussed. The local failure area of stiffened panel was refined in the sub-model technique of finite element, and the failure behavior of each layer of composite skin was further studied in the Shokrieh-Hashin criterion. The results showed that the failure mode was the firstorder buckling failure of the panel and the ultimate load is 316.8 kN. The fiber compression failure of the panels is cause of the overall failure of stiffened panel. The failure law of each layer was the similar. The fiber compression failure of the panels extended from the outer layer to the inner and the expansion rate decreased gradually.
作者 崔进 肖文莹 李想 CUI Jin;XIAO Wen-ying;LI Xiang(Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute,Luoyang 471023,China)
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2021年第2期20-25,共6页 Ship Science and Technology
关键词 复合材料 帽型加筋板 极限承载力 渐进破坏 子模型 composite hat-stringer-stiffened panel ultimate bearing capacity progressive failure sub-model
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