The preface of the Hua Quan elucidated Da chongguang’s writing ideas. He thought that the meaning and the techniques of "Liufa, Liuchang "could not be correctly understood. With the development of literary painting, the thoughts of Learn from the Heart and Learn from the Ancients in the history of painting cannot interpret the literary painting well. DA Chongguang combined with the experience of Exploiting Strong Points and avoiding Weaknesses in Ming dynasty and the practical learning in early Qing dynasty, the master gives delivery to interpret the Hua Quan. At the same time, he was also inspired by the thought of editing in the early Qing dynasty, collecting hundreds of painting methods, picking the essence of poetry and analyzing the dross to collect the idea of the Hua Quan. And in the preface as a writing essentials to point out, the formation of preface writing three meanings.
LUO Sheng(Philosophy Department of Nanjing University,Nanjing,Jiangsu,210023)
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