
日本与欧盟经贸关系:现状与趋势 被引量:1

Economic and Trade Relations between Japan and EU:The Current Situation and Development Trend
摘要 日本与欧盟均为发达经济体,在世界经济中占有重要地位。二战后,日欧之间一直保持密切的经贸关系,在贸易投资等领域的相互依存度较高。英国因处于主要国际金融中心和欧盟"桥头堡"的地位,吸引了大量日本企业。随着英国公投决定脱欧、特朗普政府推行"美国优先"和贸易保护政策、新冠疫情突发和蔓延,全球经贸体系重构加快。日本积极扩展对外经贸关系,2018年3月推动达成CPTPP,同年7月与欧盟签署日欧EPA。日本此举的目的除了获取传统意义上的经济利益之外,更为看重的是塑造和引领新时期的国际经贸规则。展望日欧经贸关系,在不发生意外的情况下,今后日本对欧盟贸易将呈扩大之势,与英国经贸关系会显著增强,在欧洲的投资及产业链供应链布局将出现调整,而"一带一路"建设客观上将助力日欧经贸合作。 Both Japan and the European Union are developed economies and occupy an important position in the world economy.After World War II,Japan and Europe have been maintaining close economic and trade relations,with high degree of interdependence in trade,investment and other fields.The United Kingdom,which is in the position of one of the main international financial centers and the"bridgehead"of the EU,has attracted many Japanese companies.With the British referendum deciding to leave the EU,the implementation of"America First"and trade protection policies by Trump government,and the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic,the reconstruction of the global economic and trade system has accelerated.Japan has actively expanded its foreign economic and trade relations.After promoting the CPTPP signed in March 2018,it signed the Japan-Europe EPA with the EU.The purpose of Japan’s measures are not only to obtain economic benefits in the traditional sense,but also to shape and lead international economic and trade rules in the coming new era.Looking ahead to Japan-Europe economic and trade relations,without accidents,Japan’s trade with the EU will show a growth trend.Its economic and trade relations with the UK will be significantly enhanced.Investment in Europe and the layout of industry chain and supply chain will be adjusted.The"Belt and Road"construction will objectively help Japan-Europe economic and trade cooperation.
作者 徐梅 XU Mei(Institute of Japanese Studies,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing,100007,China)
出处 《现代日本经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期31-37,共7页 Contemporary Economy OF Japan
基金 中国社会科学院创新工程项目“日本经济政策与经济战略研究”(GJ08-2017-SCX-2975)。
关键词 日欧 贸易 直接投资 EPA 英脱欧 产业链供应链 Japan-EU trade direct investment EPA Brexit industry chain and supply chain
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