Online rumors related to terrorism are based on false terrorist events or terrorist risks.Its generation and dissemination are mainly affected by the formation of double-layer society and the effect of network deregulation,the intertwining between terrorism and the Internet,and the cognitive psychology of the public and individuals.At present,there are some problems in the governance of online rumors related to terrorism in China,such as the incompatibility between the formulation and application of laws and the new pattern of double-layer society,the failure of the traditional counter-terrorism mode to dealing with online rumors,and the neglect of the role of psychological mechanism in the spread of online terrorism-related rumors.Therefore,it is necessary to improve the network governance in the following aspects:realizing the transformation of legal norms and concepts compatible with the network society,making good use of soft law norms of network governance,improving the supervision strategy of cyber-terrorism and the accountability mechanism of public emergency information disclosure.
Journal of Public Security Science