
国家自然科学基金会中医眼科类立项研究情况分析 被引量:2

Analysis of the research status of the National Natural Science Foundation on ophthalmology of TCM project
摘要 目的分析1991—2019年国家自然科学基金(NSFC)中医眼科学科项目资助情况,探讨中医眼科学资助项目概况及发展趋势,为中医眼科学领域的科技工作者选题和项目申报提供参考依据。方法检索国家自然科学基金项目查询(V2.0正式版)网站(http://fund.zsci.com.cn/fund/Index/index.html),获取1991—2019年中医眼科学科资助立项课题,分析项目名称、批准年度、学科分类、项目负责人、依托单位、资助金额、项目类别、中文主题词和二级分支学科等信息,并将获得资助项目的中文关键词导入BDP个人版在线数据分析软件进行可视化分析。结果(1)资助金额:国家对中医眼科的资助项目共有149项,总的资助金额达5559.5万元。历年来资助力度不断加大,呈稳步上升趋势,2013年后达到相对稳定的状态。(2)资助单位:中国中医科学院眼科医院、成都中医药大学、湖南中医药大学、北京中医药大学和上海中医药大学居于前5位,立项数量、资助经费均远高于其他院校。(3)资助项目分支学科:中医眼科一直是资助重点领域(77.86%),远高于其他分支学科。从资助热点分析,基于“机制”“通路”的申请方法出现的频率最高。结论国家自然科学基金对中医眼科学学科的支持力度相对平稳,学术资源向中医药重点院校集中明显,呈现不均衡发展趋势,细胞分子水平学科和技术交叉是未来的研究趋势。在科学基金申报中仍存在一些问题,如何在继承传统的前提下更好的发扬创新精神是每一位项目申请者需要思考的问题。 OBJECTIVE To analyze the status of ophthalmology of TCM funded by NSFC from 1991 to 2019,discuss the general situation and development trend of ophthalmology of TCM funded projects,and provide reference for scientific and technological researchers in the field of ophthalmology of TCM to select topics and apply for projects.METHODS The website of NSFC of China(official version of V2.0)(http://fund.zsci.com.cn/fund/Index/index.html)was searched,to obtain the projects funded on ophthalmology of TCM from 1991 to 2019 through the internet.We analyzed the project name,approved year,discipline classification,project leader,supporting unit,funding amount,project category,chinese subject headings and secondary branch disciplines,and then imported the chinese keywords of the funded projects into the BDP personal version of the online data analysis software Perform visual analysis.RESULTS(1)Amount of funding:there were 149 national funded projects for ophthalmology of TCM,with a total funding amount of 55.595 million yuan.Over the years,the funding showed a steady upward trend increasing,and then reached a relatively stable state after 2013.(2)Funding institutions:The top five were Eye Hospital of Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Chengdu University of TCM,Hunan University of TCM,Beijing University of TCM and Shanghai University of TCM,and the number of projects and funding of which were much higher than those of other institutions.(3)Sub-discipline of the funded project:Ophthalmology of TCM always were the key field of funding(77.86%),far higher than other branches.From the analysis of funding hotspots,the application method based on"mechanism"or"channel"appeared most frequently.CONCLUSIONS The support of NSFC for ophthalmology of TCM was relatively stable,and academic resources were obviously concentrated in prestigious universities of TCM,which showed an unbalanced development trend.The interdisciplinary of cellular and molecular level disciplines and technologies would be the future research trend.There were still some problems in the application of NSFC.How to carry forward the spirit of innovation under the premise of inheriting the tradition would be taken a lot of thinking by the project applicants.
作者 陈文黎 倘孟莹 陈爽 张丽霞 CHEN Wenli;TANG Mengying;CHEN Shuang(Eye Hospital of Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100040,China)
出处 《中国中医眼科杂志》 2021年第1期72-76,共5页 China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(82074500) 近视防治中西医一体化综合方案制定(诊疗部分)(GZY-YZS-2019-44) 医院联动社区防治原发性开角型青光眼的示范性研究(2018-1-4181)。
关键词 国家自然科学基金 中医眼科 中医药 立项项目 数据分析 National Natural Science Foundation of China Ophthalmology of TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine project approval data analysis
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