

On “Yi” and “Wuyi” in Songs of Qin :Wuyi
摘要 《秦风·无衣》是一首慷慨激昂的军歌。诗中所提到的"袍""泽""裳"皆为军服。由于古代服兵役者须自置服装及甲兵,所以奴隶们是不具备这样的经济能力的。兼以井田制下的奴隶主并不允许奴隶们离开土地,故有资格当兵的多是平民和一些小奴隶主。而秦国的情况与此不同。由于秦国实行的是"爰田制"而不是井田制,奴隶有一定的自由度;兼以秦地尚武之风的盛行及秦国对军功的奖励,所以秦国的奴隶也可以当兵。但这些奴隶出身的士兵同样是没有能力置办军服的,故"无衣"(实际是没有军衣)的问题便出现了。这也就是"无衣"之咏只见于《秦风》而不见于他国风谣的原因。而所谓"同袍""同泽""同裳",实是士兵们团结互助、共同克服困难的誓词。后世军人间互称"袍襗"即缘于此。 Songs of Qin :Wuyi is an impassioned military song. The"Pao","Ze"and"Shang"mentioned in the poem are all military uniforms. Since the ancient soldiers had to buy their own clothes and armour soldiers, the slaves did not have such economic ability. In addition, the slave owners under the well field system did not allow the slaves to leave the land, so the qualified soldiers were mostly civilians and some small slave owners. The situation of Qin was different. Because the Qin state implemented the"Yuan Tian system"instead of the well field system, the slaves had a certain degree of freedom;at the same time, with the prevalence of martial arts in Qin and the reward for military achievements, the slaves of Qin could also serve as soldiers. However, these soldiers of slave origin were also unable to afford military uniforms, so the problem of"Wuyi"(actually, no military uniforms) arose. This is the reason why the chant of "no clothes" can only be seen in Qin Feng but not in other countries’ ballads. The so-called"tongpao","Tongze"and"Tongshang"are the vows of soldiers to unite and overcome difficulties together. This is why the later generations called each other "Paoze".
作者 张崇琛 Zhang Chongchen(College of Liberal Arts,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou Gansu 730000,China)
机构地区 兰州大学文学院
出处 《天水师范学院学报》 2020年第6期30-32,共3页 Journal of Tianshui Normal University
关键词 《秦风·无衣》 袍、泽、裳 “无衣”与秦国兵制 Songs of Qin:Wuyi pao ze shang wuyi and the military system in the State of Qin
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