

Analysis on Expression of KISS-1/GPR54 in the Testis of Different Growth Period Rats
摘要 为探讨KISS-1/GPR54在大鼠睾丸中表达定位及生长期表达变化特点,进而推测KISS-1/GPR54在大鼠睾丸生长期中可能的生理功能,以60只3周龄离乳SPF级大鼠为研究对象,在第21、35、43天和第56天4个时间点,取大鼠睾丸组织,采用免疫组化、RT-qPCR和Western Blot的方法分别研究KISS-1/GPR54在生长期大鼠睾丸中定位、mRNA表达和蛋白表达的变化情况。结果显示:KISS-1/GPR54在生长期大鼠睾丸生精细胞和间质细胞均见表达;随着鼠龄的增加,第21天至第56天大鼠睾丸中KISS-1/GPR 54 mRNA表达和蛋白表达整体上呈现上升的趋势且有一定的时序性,其中KISS-1 mRNA在第35天出现峰值,GPR 54 mRNA在第43天出现峰值;KISS-1蛋白和GPR54蛋白表达均在第56天出现峰值。表明KISS-1/GPR54在大鼠睾丸的生精细胞和间质细胞中均见表达,但在生殖周期的不同阶段表达情况存在差异;生长期大鼠KISS-1/GPR54表达逐渐增加,且KISS-1表达峰值早于GPR54,呈现一定的时序性。大鼠睾丸中KISS-1/GPR54可能参与精子成熟和性激素合成,且在生殖周期的不同阶段主要功能可能有所不同。 To explore the expression location and growth characteristics of KISS-1/GPR54 in rat testis,and study the possible physiological function of KISS-1/GPR54 in rat testis.Sixty 3-week-old weaned SPF rats were taken as the research object,and the dynamic points were taken at four time points at day 21,day 35,day 43,day 56.The methods of immunohistochemical,RT-qPCR and Western Blot were used to study the changes of KISS-1/GPR54 localization,mRNA expression and protein expression in the testis of growing rats.The results showed that the KISS-1/GPR54 was expressed in spermatogenic cells and stromal cells in the testis of the growing phase.With the increase of the age of rats,the expression of KISS-1/GPR 54 mRNA in the rat testes from day 21 to 56 showed an upward trend as a whole,but there was a certain time sequence,in which KISS-1 mRNA peaked on day 35,and GPR 54 peaked on day 43.KISS-1 protein and GPR54 protein expression both appeared to be on peak on day 56.It showed that KISS-1/GPR54 was expressed in spermatogenic cells and stromal cells of rat testis,but the expression was different at different stages of the reproductive cycle.The expression of KISS-1/GPR54 in the growing phase was gradually.Peak expression of KISS-1 was earlier than that of GPR54 and it had a certain time sequence.KISS-1/GPR54 in rat testis may be involved in sperm maturation and sex hormone synthesis,and the main function may be different in different stages of the reproductive cycle.
作者 冯俊鹏 徐瑞 唐玉玲 严翊 FENG Jun-peng;XU Rui;TANG Yu-ling;YAN Yi(Sport Science College,Beijing Sports University,Beijing 100084,China;College of Sports Health,Nanjing Sport Institute,Nanjing 210014,China;College of Veterinary Medicine,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China)
出处 《中国兽医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第11期97-100,I0010,共5页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine
基金 北京体育大学双一流经费(2018GJ008) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助课题(2017XS013,2018PT015) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(30800541) 国家自然科学基金项目(32071173)。
关键词 生长期 大鼠 睾丸 KISS-1/GPR54 growth period rat testis KISS-1/GPR54
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