Objectives:Obsession is one of the important aspects in death distress.The objective of this study was to estimate the reliability,validity,and factorial structure of the Farsi version of the Death Obsession Scale(DOS).Methods:A convenience sample of 106 Iranian nurses from two hospitals at Tehran city,Iran was recruited.They completed the DOS,Death Concern Scale,Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale,Death Anxiety Scale,Reasons for Death Fear Scale,and Death Depression Scale.Results:Cronbach's a for the DOS was 0.95,and 2-week test-retest reliability was 0.74.The DOS correlated 0.48,0.46,0.47,0.39 and 0.44 with the last mentioned scales,respectively(P<0.01),indicating good construct and criterion-related validity.Principle components analysis of the DOS identified three factors accounted for 74.82%of the variance.Factor 1 labeled“Death rumination”(34.78%of the variance),Factor 2 labeled“Death dominance”(29.65%of the variance),and Factor 3 labeled“Death idea repetition”(10.38%of the variance).Conclusions:The DOS has good validity and reliability,and it could be recommended for use in clinical and research settings to assess the death obsession in Iranian nurses.