

The Improved and Application Experiments of Kain-Fritsch Scheme in GRAPES_Meso Model
摘要 本文对GRAPES_Meso中Kain-Fritcsh eta积云参数化方案进行了三种改进:(1)将原触发机制中的温度扰动分解成由水汽决定的垂直向和水平向温度扰动(KF1方案),(2)在原温度扰动中直接增加一项由相对湿度计算的水汽平流项(KF2方案),(3)在KF1方案中增加用相对湿度计算的水汽平流项(KF3方案)。利用GFS预报场资料对上述改进方案进行模拟试验和批量回报试验,结果表明:"5·23"暴雨个例中,(1)改进方案均可以减少原方案模拟的部分虚假降水,KF1方案模拟降水范围较好,KF2方案模拟强降水中心较好,KF3方案同时具备二者优点。(2)三种改进方案对于强降水站点均存在模拟降水偏弱,KF1方案降水趋势与实况接近,但存在对流激发较快,后期降水略为不足,KF2方案则相反,KF3方案表现介于二者之间;KF2、KF3方案均会在对流激发最强和最弱时刻使其向有利方向调整。台风个例中,KF1方案模拟中心气压较好,KF2方案模拟台风路径较好,KF3方案则在两者上均有较好表现。TS评分检验表明KF1方案在各个降水量级上的评分都较低,KF2、KF3方案评分相对较高;误差检验(高度、风)时,KF1方案在中层误差较大,高、低层误差最小,其他两种方案表现则相反。 By using the GFS data,the numerical experiments were carried out to evaluate the Kain-Fritcsh convective parameterization scheme and its improved schemes in the numerical weather prediction model GRAPES--Meso.The improvement schemes:(1)Decompose the old temperature disturbance into vertical and horizontal which determined by water vapor(KF1 scheme);(2)add the vapor advection calculated by relative humidity into the original temperature disturbance(KF2 scheme);(3)Add vapor advection calculated by relative humidity into the decomposed temperature disturbance(KF3 scheme).The results show that:(1)In 5.23 rainstorm,the improved schemes can reduce part of false precipitation that simulated by the original scheme,the KF1 simulated the precipitation range well,the KF2 simulated the heavy precipitation center well,and the KF3 was the best.(2)All the three improved schemes have weak simulated precipitation for heavy precipitation stations,and the precipitation trend of KF1 is close to the observation,the precipitation in the later period is slightly insufficient because convective excitation is faster,the KF2 is the opposite,the KF3 is between them.Both KF2 and KF3 will adjust the convective excitation in a favorable direction at the moment of the strongest and weakest rainfall.KF1 simulates the central pressure better,KF2 simulates the path of typhoons better,and KF3 scheme has better performance than them in typhoon.The result of T-score verification indicate that the KF1 has a low score than others,the RMSE of KF1 is larger in the middle layer and smaller in the high and low layer,while the other two schemes is opposite.
作者 郭云云 邓莲堂 冯丽莎 宋攀 GUO Yunyun;DENG Liantang;FENG Lisha;SONG Pan(Sichuan Meteorological Observatory,Chengdu 610072,China;Heavy Rain and Drought-Flood Disasters in Plateau and Basin Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province,Chengdu 610072,China;National Meteorological Center,Beijing 100081,China;Numerical Weather Prediction Center Of CMA,Beijing 100081,China;Troops 61741 of PLA,Beijing 100094,China;Troops 96941 of PLA,Beijing 102208,China)
出处 《高原山地气象研究》 2020年第4期10-15,69,共7页 Plateau and Mountain Meteorology Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41275103)。
关键词 GRAPES中尺度模式 Kain-Fritcsh eta方案 数值模拟 GRAPES_Meso Kain-Fritcsh eta scheme numerical simulation
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