

An Analysis of Yang Jiang’s Genre Comedy from the Perspective of Western Comedy Theory--Take The Satisfaction of One’s Heart and What was Make-Believe Has Become True as Examples
摘要 杨绛的风俗喜剧《称心如意》和《弄真成假》借鉴了西方喜剧的手法和技巧,通过情节上的重复、倒错、反转,以三种性格的人物——骗子、伪善者、乡巴佬的刻画和语言上的歪曲、穿插和论辩等手法,以女性细腻的笔触和含蓄冲淡的幽默,展示了中国社会上层阶级和下层阶级不同的风俗面貌,成为中国现代风俗喜剧的一座里程碑。 Yang Jiang’s genre comedies like it or not and get it right inherit the techniques and techniques of western comedy through repetition,inversion,and inversion of plot,by means of the characterization of three kinds of characters--swindlers,hypocrites and country bumpkins,and by means of linguistic distortions,interludes and debates,with feminine delicate strokes and subtle humor,it shows the different customs of the upper class and the lower class in Chinese society,which has become a milestone of Chinese modern custom comedy.
作者 王淑苹 Wang Shuping(Fuzhou Institute of Foreign Trade,Fuzhou 350202)
出处 《新疆艺术学院学报》 2021年第1期84-95,共12页 Journal of Xinjiang Arts University
关键词 杨绛 喜剧 柏格森 亚里士多德 Yang Jiang Comedy Henri Bergson Aristotle
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