开放教育学生的学习动力由学生个体内在学习动力和外部推助力构成 ,内在动力由于学生个体的学习动机、兴趣、精力、自信心、耐力等不同而存在很大差异。对学生内在学习动力的制约因素 ,主要是时间不足、精力不足、动力模糊。对外部推助力的制约主要是管理不当 ,投入不足 ,学习资源利用不充分。增强学生学习动力的措施主要是通过增强外部推助力 ,巩固提高学生已显现的内在动力 。
The students' study motive force in open education consists of the inherent study motive force and the exterior pushing and helping force.The measure that strengthes students' study motive force chiefly is by way of streng thening the exterior pushing and helping force to consolidate and raise students' appearing inherent motive force,and to inspire potential motive force.
Journal of Shanxi Radio & TV University