
英格兰保护区的法规和共识机制——兼论对中国居住型历史地段保护的启示 被引量:3

Laws, Regulations and Consensus Mechanisms in Conservation Area System in England: Inspirations for Residential Historic Districts Conservation in China
摘要 中国居住型历史地段存在种种争议,缺乏共识机制是重要原因。英格兰保护区已经50年历程,居住功能在大量保护区中属于主导功能或为主要功能,保护体系公众认可度很高。本文聚焦英格兰保护区体系中与法规相结合的共识机制,探究其如何贯穿于保护区的"指定—保护—发展"的全环节。文章认为应结合中国国情,基于共识理论进行借鉴:一方面建议厘清主体责任、增加管理规划,以完善法规和规划体系;另一方面,要设定公共参与程序、构筑支持网络以促进共识,并积极探索社区发展规划。 Conservation area legislation has gone through 50 years in England. Residential function is dominant or of the main function in a large number of conservation areas. Evidences show that conservation area is a popular planning tool. The paper focuses on the consensus mechanism combined with laws and regulations from conservation area system in England, and how it runs through the whole process of designation, conservation and development of conservation areas. This paper suggests that Chinese conditions should be considered when learning from England based on the consensus theory. On the one hand, it proposes to strength management planning and to improve laws and regulations so that related stakeholders and their responsibilities could be clarified clearly. Also, it recommends to set up public participation procedures, to build support networks in the consensus-building mechanism, and to explore community development planning.
作者 王承慧 Wang Chenghui(不详)
出处 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期91-98,共8页 Urban Planning International
基金 国家自然科学基金“基于社区研究和参与的居住型历史地段规划体系优化”(51778125)。
关键词 保护区 保护体系 法规 共识 英格兰 居住型历史地段 Conservation Area Conservation System Laws and Regulations Consensus England Residential Historic District
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