
农业劳动价值萎缩与农业体面劳动困境:关联逻辑与双重治理 被引量:1

The Shrinking of Agricultural Labor Value and the Dilemma of Decent Work in Agriculture:Associated Logic and Dual Governance
摘要 与其他学者观点不同,在马克思看来农业劳动价值萎缩是资本诞生后工农业和城乡分离必然带来的结果。立足马克思的劳动价值理论分析,农业劳动价值萎缩必然带来的是农民经济收入减少以及由此造成的收入不可预期,而这与影响农业体面劳动的关键因素是一致的,据此农业劳动价值萎缩和农业体面劳动困境之间存在着深刻的关联逻辑。当代中国农业劳动价值和体面问题主要表现在农村青壮年不断外流、农民工返乡从事农业生产积极性低、农村老弱留守抗风险能力低等方面,事实上这些表现与家庭联产承包无法有效匹配市场、劳动力与市场脱钩、涉农企业利润压缩以及家庭社会伦理因素密切相关。新时代要破解这一难题需要坚持农业劳动价值和体面劳动双重治理的思路,在宏观层面全面深化农村经济体制的市场化改革,在中观层面需要从农村基础设施、企业和媒体角度不断优化涉农环境,在微观层面需要全面加强农民教育不断激发农民的主体性意识。 Unlike other scholars, in Marx’s view, the shrinking value of agricultural labor is an inevitable result of the separation of industry and agriculture from the rural and urban areas after the birth of capital. Based on the analysis of Marx’s labor value theory, the shrinking of agricultural labor value will inevitably bring about a decrease in peasant’s economic income and the unpredictable income, which is consistent with the key factors affecting decent work in agriculture. Therefore,there is a profound associated logic between the shrinking of agricultural labor value and the dilemma of decent work in agricultural. The problems of agricultural labor value and decent work in agricultural in contemporary China are mainly reflected in the continuous outflow of young and middle-aged adults in the rural areas, low enthusiasm for agricultural production in returning to the countryside of migrant workers, and low risk resistance ability of the old and weak in the rural areas. In fact,these performances are closely related to the fact that the household contract can not effectively match the market, the decoupling of labor force and market, the profit compression of agricultural enterprises and family social ethics factors. To solve this problem in the new era, we need to adhere to the dual governance of agricultural labor value and decent work. At the macro level, it is necessary to deepen the market-oriented reform of the rural economic system. At the meso level, it is necessary to continuously optimize related issues from the perspective of rural infrastructure, enterprises and the media. At the micro level,it is necessary to strengthen farmers’ education in an all-round way and constantly stimulate their subjective consciousness.
作者 范明英 李广跃 FAN Mingying;LI Guangyue(School of Marxism,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai 200237)
出处 《长白学刊》 北大核心 2021年第2期116-122,共7页 Changbai Journal
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“推进物质文明与精神文明协调发展研究”(项目编号:15ZDC007)。
关键词 农业劳动价值 农业体面劳动 全面小康 乡村振兴战略 双重治理 Agricultural Labor Value Decent Work in Agriculture All-Round Well-Off Rural Revitalization Strategy Dual Governance
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