
党内程序如何介入行政程序——论重大行政决策程序与中国共产党重大事项请示报告程序的衔接 被引量:6

How Does the Internal Party Procedure Enter the Administrative Procedure——Research on the Connection Between the Procedure of Major Administrative Decisions and the Procedure of Requesting Instructions and Reporting by the CPC
摘要 《重大行政决策程序暂行条例》第三十一条“重大行政决策出台前应当按照规定向同级党委请示报告”的规定,明确了党内请示报告程序介入行政程序的制度安排。作为衔接党规与国法的新型制度尝试,党内程序介入行政决策程序,既是中国国家治理体系下的必然趋势,又是宪法“本质特征条款”的重要体现。在上述制度安排中,行政决策机关不是以机关的名义履行请示报告程序,而是以决策机关内设的党组名义履行上述程序,在特殊情况下,也可由领导干部以自己的名义向党委请示报告。行政机关重大行政决策事项与党内重大事项报告之间为包含关系,意味着重大行政决策事项作为重大报告事项中的一部分均应履行向党组织请示报告程序,并贯穿于行政决策程序全过程。 Article 31 of the Interim Regulations on Major Administrative Decision-Making Procedures the provision that"major administrative decisions shall be reported to the Party committees at the same level in accordance with the provisions"clearly defines the institutional arrangements for the party to request reporting procedures to intervene in administrative procedures.As a new system attempt to bridge Party rules and state law,the intra-Party procedure is not only an inevitable trend under China's national governance system,but also an important embodiment of the"essential characteristic clause"of the Constitution.It should be emphasized that in the above-mentioned institutional arrangements,the administrative decision-making organs do not perform the procedure of requesting reports in the name of the organs,but in the name of the Party groups established within the decision-making organs,and in exceptional cases,the leading cadres may also request reports from the Party Committee in their own name.At the same time,the inclusion relationship between the major administrative decision-making matters of the administrative organ and the report of major matters within the Party means that the major administrative decision-making matters,as part of the major reporting matters,should fulfill the procedure of requesting reports to the Party organization and run through the whole process of the administrative decision-making process.
作者 王建芹 陈思羽 Wang Jianqin;Chen Siyu
出处 《中共天津市委党校学报》 北大核心 2021年第2期13-22,共10页 Journal of the Party School of Tianjin Committee of the CPC
基金 新疆党内法规研究中心委托课题“党内法规制度建设科学性问题研究”(批准号XJDG2020D01)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 重大行政决策 重大事项 请示报告 党内程序 行政程序 major administrative decisions major matters request instructions and report inner-party procedures administrative procedures
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