
工业遗产话语变迁的模式、成因及演化分析——以英国世界遗产铁桥峡谷为例 被引量:2

The Schema,Causes and Evolution of Industrial Heritage Discourse Changes:A Case Study of the British World Heritage Iron Bridge Gorge
摘要 世界遗产的政治化引发学界更多地从批判性视角解构和重构文化遗产,并逐渐发展为聚焦遗产话语的跨学科研究范式与研究视角。英国世界遗产铁桥峡谷是工业遗产话语变迁的典型案例,其显示出工业遗产话语经历话语离散、话语聚焦和话语绑定三个阶段。其变迁原因有三:迎合UNESCO的权威遗产话语体系,契合英国城市复兴和社区文化需求,获得社会资源的涌入。21世纪工业遗产面临着话语争夺日渐激烈、挑战与日俱增、"空心化"现象可能增多的演化趋势。在全球大遗产语境中,工业遗产话语显示度不断提升、话语事件场不断拓展,由此呈现出"被形塑"的持续性话语变迁历程,并在一定程度上引发不同行为主体间的政治角力、话语权博弈和资本分流。 The politicization of world heritage has triggered studies of the deconstruction and reconstruction of cultural heritage conducted from a critical perspective and has gradually developed into an interdisciplinary research paradigm and perspective focusing on heritage discourse.The Iron Bridge Gorge,a British World Heritage property,is a typical case representing the change of industrial heritage discourse,revealing the three stages that the industrial heritage discourse has experienced:discourse dispersal,discourse concentration and discourse binding.Three causes have caused the change:to cater to UNESCO’s authoritative heritage discourse system,to meet the needs of British urban regeneration and community culture,and to obtain social resources.The industrial heritage of the 21 st century is facing growing challenges of the increasingly fierce competition and the possible"hollowing"phenomena.In the context of global heritage,the visibility of industrial heritage discourse continues to grow,and the corresponding discourse event field continues to expand,thus presenting a"shaped"process of discourse that continues to change.It to a certain extent has initiated the political wrestling,discourse contests,and capital diversion.
作者 曹福然 CAO Fu-ran(Wuhan Textile University,Wuhan,Hubei 430200)
出处 《东南文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期181-190,共10页 Southeast Culture
基金 2020年度湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究一般项目“以提升和拓展新时代国际遗产话语权为导向的湖北与英国工业遗产管理的比较研究”(20Y089)的阶段性成果 湖北省高校人文社科重点研究基地湖北文化产业经济研究中心2020年度开放基金项目“新时代国际遗产话语权建构视域下湖北与伯明翰工业遗产管理的比较研究”(HBCIR2020Z014)的阶段性成果 江汉大学武汉研究院2020年度开放性课题“遗产话语理论范式下武汉工业遗产话语权的建构研究”(IWHS20202072)的阶段性成果。
关键词 工业遗产 遗产话语 话语变迁 铁桥峡谷 话语权博弈 世界遗产 industrial heritage heritage discourse discourse change Iron Bridge Gorge discourse contention world heritage
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