
新型环保绝缘气体1-C_(3)F_(6)与CO_(2)混合气体的绝缘性能研究 被引量:1

Study on Insulation Performance of New Environmentally Friendly Insulation Gas 1-C_(3)F_(6)and CO_(2)Gas Mixture
摘要 文中介绍了一种新型环保绝缘气体六氟丙烯(1-C_(3)F_(6)),并重点研究了1-C_(3)F_(6)与CO_(2)混合气体在不同电极结构和电压特性下的绝缘特性。研究表明:在均匀电场中,1-C_(3)F_(6)/CO_(2)混合气体的50%击穿电压随着电极间距、气压的增加而增加,工频击穿电压随着充气压力的升高而近似线性升高,纯1-C_(3)F_(6)气体在1.25 bar(1 bar=100 k Pa)时的工频击穿电压与SF_(6)接近。此外,在各个充气压力下,1-C_(3)F_(6)/CO_(2)混合气体的工频击穿电压都比C_(5)F_(10)O/Air混合气体高。在稍不均匀电场中,1-C_(3)F_(6)/CO_(2)混合气体直流和工频击穿电压随着充气压力的升高而升高,表现出较好的线性度。在极不均匀电场下,1-C_(3)F_(6)/CO_(2)混合气体工频击穿电压随着充气压力的升高而缓慢升高,逐渐趋于饱和。文中的试验结果可以为电力产品设计提供参考和依据。 In this paper,hexafluoropropylene(1-C_(3)F_(6)),a kind of new environmentally friendly insulating gas,is in-troduced and the insulation characteristic of 1-C_(3)F_(6)/CO_(2)gas mixture under different electrode structures and voltagecharacteristics is studied in particular.It is shown by the study that in the uniform electric field,the 50%breakdownvoltage of 1-C_(3)F_(6)/CO_(2)gas mixture increases with the increase of electrode distance and gas pressure,and the powerfrequency breakdown voltage approximates linear rise with the rise of gas filling pressure.The power frequencybreakdown voltage of pure1-C_(3)F_(6)gas at pressure of 1.25 bar is close to that of SF_(6).In addition,the power frequencybreakdown voltage of 1-C_(3)F_(6)/CO_(2)gas mixture is higher than that of the C_(5)F_(10)O/air gas mixture at various gas fillingpressures.While,in slightly non-uniform electric field,the DC and power-frequency breakdown voltage of 1-C_(3)F_(6)/CO_(2)gas mixture increases rises with the rise of gas filling pressure and shows better linearity.In case of extremelynon-uniform electric field,the power frequency breakdown voltage of 1-C_(3)F_(6)/CO_(2)gas mixture rises gradually withthe rise of gas filling pressure and tends gradually to saturation.The test result in this paper can provide referenceand basis for the design of power products.
作者 周永言 孙东伟 唐念 李丽 霍鹏 ZHOU Yongyan;SUN Dongwei;TANG Nian;LI Li;HUO Peng(Key Laboratory of Sulfur Hexafluoride of China Southern Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510080,China;Xi’an XD Electric Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Xi'an 710075,China)
出处 《高压电器》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期19-26,共8页 High Voltage Apparatus
基金 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2020M672530) 南方电网科技资助项目(GDKJXM20198165)。
关键词 六氟丙烯 绝缘特性 电极结构 电压特性 电场 hexafluoropropylene insulationcharacteristic electrodestructure voltagecharacteristic electricfield
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