
一份水稻大粒材料的粒型及生理特性分析 被引量:4

Analysis of Grain Type and Physiological Characteristics for a Large Grain Rice
摘要 为了给选育高产优质大粒水稻新品种过程中提供一定指导,在水稻苗期与成熟期分别检测了大粒水稻材料0183与常规水稻品种9311在生长发育过程中的各项形态及生理指标之间的差异,初步的研究结果也为大粒材料的遗传分析及基因定位与克隆奠定基础。与常规水稻品种9311相比,0183在粒长、粒宽、粒厚方面表现均有差异且粒宽呈极显著差异水平,同时大粒材料0183千粒质量显著高于对照品种9311。另外,分析了0183在苗期和成熟期的各项生理指标,结果表明:大粒材料0183在成熟期叶片的叶绿素含量较高,可溶性糖在成熟期和幼苗期的叶片中显著高于对照品种9311,可溶性蛋白在成熟期的叶片中显著高于对照品种9311,说明在生长发育的后期大粒材料0183具有较强的光合作用,可能与其最终产量形成有关,同时,大粒材料0183有较强参与渗透调节生理恢复的优势;另外,苗期0183中脯氨酸的含量显著高于对照品种9311,但在生长发育的后期含量较低且9311从幼苗期-成熟期脯氨酸含量增长幅度高于大粒材料0183,表明随着生长发育的进行大粒材料0183抗逆性相比对照品种9311表现更弱,可能在后期最终产量的形成上更易受环境影响。大粒水稻籽粒具有显著优势,对水稻产量十分重要,但在生长发育过程中对环境较为敏感所以最终产量无法维持稳定,也是在培育优良大粒品种中需要突破的关键点。 The purpose of this study is to provide guidance for the selection and breeding of new varieties of high quality and high yield large grain rice,the differences of morphology and physiological indexes between large-grain rice material 0183 and conventional rice variety 9311 during the growth and development were measured respectively at the seedling and maturity stages,the preliminary results also lay the foundation for genetic analysis,gene localization and cloning of large grain materials.Compared with conventional rice variety 9311,0183 showed significant differences in grain length,grain width and grain thickness,at the same time,the weight of 0183 thousand grains was significantly higher than that of 9311.In addition,we also analyzed the physiological indexes of 0183 at the seedling stage and maturity stage,the results showed that the content of chlorophyll in the leaves of large-grained material 0183 was higher in the mature stage,the soluble sugar content in the leaves at the mature stage and the seedling stage was significantly higher than that of the control variety 9311,while the soluble protein content in the leaves at the mature stage was significantly higher than that of the control variety 9311,indicating that large grain material 0183 has strong photosynthesis at the later stage of growth and development,which might be related to its final yield formation,meanwhile,large-grain material 0183 had the advantage of participating in the physiological recovery of osmotic regulation.In addition,the proline content of seedling 0183 was significantly higher than that of control 9311,but it was lower in the later stage of growth and development,and the proline content of 9311 was higher than that of large-grain 0183 from seedling stage to maturity stage,the results showed that the stress resistance of large-grain material 0183 was weaker than that of the control variety 9311 with the growth and development,and it might be more affected by the environment in the formation of the final yield in the later stage.Large grain rice grains had significant advantages and were very important for rice yield.However,we were sensitive to the environment during growth and development,so the final yield couldn′t be maintained stable,which was also the key point to be broken through in the cultivation of excellent large grain varieties.
作者 蒋丹 文欢 潘珊珊 兰诗琪 南文斌 梁永书 张汉马 秦小健 JIANG Dan;WEN Huan;PAN Shanshan;LAN Shiqi;NAN Wenbin;LIANG Yongshu;ZHANG Hanma;QIN Xiaojian(College of Life Sciences,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331,China;Chongqing Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Plant Environmental Adaptation,Chongqing 401331,China)
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第S01期126-132,共7页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31800238) 重庆市自然科学基金项目(cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0224) 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(KJQN201900509)。
关键词 水稻 产量 大粒 生理指标 粒型 Rice Production Large grain Physiological indexes Grain type
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