
丝绸之路与日本说话文学鹿王本生故事原型研究——以“九色鹿”与“五色鹿”的意象演变为中心 被引量:6

The Silk Road and the Archetypal Study of the Life Stories of Deer in Japanese Narrative Literature——Focusing on the Image Evolution of“The Ninecolored Deer”and“The Five-colored Deer”
摘要 鹿王本生故事作为佛本生故事系列一直备受关注,本文以日本说话文学中的“五色鹿”故事为主线,归纳总结沿丝绸之路自印度传入中国的鹿王本生系列故事,借助神话原型批评理论,试用互文对照阐释法及纵向嬗变分析法,追溯自“九色鹿”到“五色鹿”意象的演变轨迹,分析其在各自国家不同时代的构造特征,对当前中国“新丝绸之路”及“一带一路”愿景实现与日本宗教文化的世俗化探索具有一定的现实意义。 As a series of Buddha-Born Stories,the Life Storie of Deer has always attracted much attention.Based on the story of“Five-colored Deer”in Japanese speech literature,this paper sums up the series of Life Storie of Deer introduced from India to China along the Silk Road.Meanwhile,with the help of mythical archetypal criticism theory,it traces the evolution of the image from“Nine-colored Deer”to“Fivecolored Deer”and analyzes its structural characteristics in respective countries throughout history,which is of profound significance for the materialization of the Belt and Road Vision and the study of the secularization of Japanese religious culture.
作者 刘沙沙 Liu Shasha
出处 《东北亚外语研究》 2021年第1期37-42,共6页 Foreign Language Research in Northeast Asia
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“丝路文化视域下的东方文学与东方文学学科体系建构”(19ZDA290)的阶段性成果。
关键词 丝绸之路 日本说话文学 鹿王本生 九色鹿 五色鹿 the Silk Road Japanese narrative literature the Life Stories of Deer Nine-colored deer Five-colored deer
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  • 1Heinz Bechert, Gegorg von Simson eds. , Einfuhrung in die lndologie, Stand, Methoden, Aufgaben, Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 19791, 19932, § 148.
  • 2Heinz Bechert, Gegorg von Simson eds. , Einfuhrung in die lndologie, Stand, Methoden, Aufgaben, Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 19791, 19932, § 144.
  • 3Ernst Waldschmidt(瓦尔特施密特),“勒考克与格伦维德尔追思”,《西域文史》(第4辑),2009年,第303-309页.
  • 4Heinz Bechert, Petra Kieffer-Piilz eds. , Kleine Schrifien. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1989, pp. 4-10.
  • 5夏鼐等,《中国石窟·克孜尔石窟》,第三卷,文物出版社1997年版,第196-213页.
  • 6Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du Tripit.aka chinois, Paris, 1910-1934.
  • 7Dieter Schlingloff, Ajanta - Handbuch der Malereien / Hand-book of the Paintingsl . Erzdhlende Wandmalereien / Narrative Wall-paintings. 3 vols. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 2000, vol. 1, pp. 94- 101o.
  • 8M.V. Fausboll ed. , The Jataka, Together with its Commentary being Tales of the Anterior Births of Gotama Buddha, 7 vols. , Lon- don: Pali Text Society, 1877-97.
  • 9Oskar von Hinuber, A Handbook of Pall Literature, Berlin:Walter de Gruyter & Co. , 1994, § 110.
  • 10N. A. Jayawickrama ed. , Buddhavansa and Cariyapit.aka, London: Pali Text Society, 1974.











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