
采煤机技术发展历程(十)——制造商变迁 被引量:3

The development history of coal shearer technology(Part ten)——manufacturers
摘要 煤炭开采业的发展加速了欧洲的第一次工业革命,而这次工业革命也催生了一批采煤机制造商,为欧洲煤炭产量快速增长提供了关键设备。20世纪50年代之前,全球绝大部分采煤机制造商分布在欧洲国家和美国,亚洲仅有日本小松公司涉足采矿设备,而在我国只有1933年设立的鸡宁机械制作所(鸡西煤矿机械厂前身)。新中国成立之后,我国在东北、华北和西北建立了一批采煤机及相关装备制造厂,使我国采煤机制造能力从无到有、从弱到强。进入20世纪90年代,由于国外煤矿煤炭开采量下降以及煤矿井型增大,采煤机需求量逐渐萎缩,迫使采煤机制造商走上了并购重组之路,目前的全球五大采煤机制造集团是美国卡特彼勒、日本小松、德国艾柯夫、瑞典山特维克、波兰法姆尔。近10年来,我国采煤机制造企业加快了重组步伐,目前采煤机制造能力聚集到七大煤机集团,它们是中煤装备公司、天地科技公司、太重煤机公司、西安重装集团、郑煤机集团、山能重装集团、晋能装备集团。纵观采煤机150多年的发展历程,高截割性、高可靠性、高智能性一直是采煤机技术创新的核心出发点,采煤机产能与其机能、智能紧密相关,机器人化将是未来采煤机的重要创新方向。 The development of coal mining accelerated Europe's first industrial revolution,which in turn spawned a batch of shearer manufacturers that provided key equipments for Europe's rapid growth in coal production.By the 1950s,most of the world's shearer manufacturers distributed in European countries and the United States.In Asia,only Komatsu Company in Japan had the ablity to produce some simple coal mining equipments.In China,there was only Jining Machinery Factory(the predecessor of Jixi Coal Mine Machinery Factory)established in 1933.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949,a number of shearer and related equipment manufacturers were established in the northeast,north and northwest of China,which promoted China's coal mining machine manufacturing capacity rapidly.In the 1990s,due to the decline of foreign coal mining quantity and the increase of coal mine production scale,the demand for shearer decreased,resulting in the merger and reorganization of mining equipment manufacturers.At present,the major mining equipment manufacturs are focused to Caterpillar(US),Komatsu(Japan),Eikhoff(Gamany),Sandvik(Sweden),Famer(Poland).In the past ten years,the reorganization of China's coal mining machinery manufacturing enterprises accelerated,and the current coal mining machinery manufacture capacity gathered to seven coal machinery groups,i.e.China National Coal Mining Equipment Company Limited,Tiandi Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.,Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Group Coal Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Xi'an Heavy Equipment Manufacturing Group Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co.,Ltd.,Shandong Energy Heavy Equipment Manufacturing Group Co.,Ltd.,Jinneng Holding Equipment Manufacturing Group Co.,Ltd..Throughout the 150 years of development history of shearers,high cutting,high reliability and high intelligence have always been the core points for shearer technology innovation,and it is thought that the shearer production capacity has a close correlation to its mechanical function and intelligence,and robotization will be the important innovation direction for coal shearer in future.
作者 葛世荣 GE Shirong(School of Mechanical, Electrical & Information Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Haidian, Beijing 100083, China;Institute of Intelligent Mines & Robotics, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Haidian, Beijing 100083, China)
出处 《中国煤炭》 2021年第3期25-43,共19页 China Coal
关键词 采煤机技术 采煤机制造商 企业重组并购 创新方向 机器人化 coal shearer technology coal shearer manufacturers enterprises merger and reorganization innovation direction robotization
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