Currently, the power electronics-based devices, includinglarge-scale non-synchronized generators and reactivepower compensators, are widely used in power grids. This helpsintroduce the coupling interactions between the devices andthe power grid, resulting in a new sub-synchronous oscillationphenomenon. It is a critical element for the stability operation ofthe power grid and its devices. In this paper, the sub-synchronousoscillation phenomenon of the power grid connected with largescalewind power generation is analyzed in detail. Then, inorder to damp the sub-synchronous oscillation, a coordinateddamping optimization control strategy for wind power generatorsand their reactive power compensators is proposed. The proposedcoordinated control strategy tracks the sub-synchronousoscillation current signal to correct the corresponding controlsignal, which increases the damping of power electronics. Theresponse characteristics of the proposed control strategy areanalyzed, and a self-optimization parameter tuning method basedon sensitivity analysis is proposed. The simulation results validatethe effectiveness and the availability of the proposed controlstrategy.
the NationalNatural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.51577174.