
机载云计算技术研究 被引量:3

Research on Airborne Cloud Technology
摘要 针对未来空中作战的体系化、智能化和无人化发展趋势,有人机和无人机协同作战将成为主要作战模式,通过云计算的方式将异构机载平台的各类作战资源进行统一的组织和动态自主管理,基于云作战理论进行能力需求、核心问题、发展趋势等三个方面的技术探讨,形成了未来机载云架构思想,并进一步分析了基于功能的机载云体系共享和协同,阐述了体系内信息和数据共享、任务和功能自组织等能力要求,为后续机载云技术研究提供了技术途径和研究思路。 The air battle field has the characteristic of systematism in the future.Meanwhile,the battle equipment has an intelligent and unmanned trend.It is the main style that the manned and unmanned aircrafts cooperate with each other in the intending air combat.The airborne cloud computing architecture is proposed that dynamically organizes and manages the combat resources in the different aircrafts,and discusses the capability requirements,core challenges and developing trends based on the cloud combat theory.Moreover,this paper analyses the information sharing and the resource cooperating mechanism based on the function modules in the airborne cloud system,and describes the capability requirements on the data sharing and the mission auto-organizing.
作者 李亚晖 王中华 LI Ya-hui;WANG Zhong-hua(Xi′an Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute,AVIC,Xi′an 710068,China;Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Airborne and Missile-borne Computer,Xi′an 710065,China)
出处 《航空计算技术》 2021年第2期101-104,共4页 Aeronautical Computing Technique
基金 航空科学基金项目资助(2018ZC31003)。
关键词 作战云 移动战术云 虚拟化 安全防护 combat cloud airborne cloud virtualization secure protection
分类号 E91 [军事]
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