
玉米收储制度改革对粮食收获质量的影响——基于省级面板数据的分析 被引量:9

The Effects of Corn Storage System Reform on Grain Harvest Quality:An Analysis based on Provincial Panel Data
摘要 增加高质量粮食供给满足消费者不断提升的需求是农业供给侧改革的重要目标。2016年国家对玉米收储(最低价收购)制度实行“市场定价,价补分离”改革,本文在政策机理分析的基础上,实证检验玉米收储制度改革对粮食收获质量的影响。研究显示:玉米收储制度改革后玉米收获质量有了显著提高,其政策的溢出效应使得非政策区玉米收获质量提升效应与政策实施区是一致的。说明玉米收储制度改革发挥了市场机制价格信号作用,通过优质优价效应调节了资源配置和生产结构,提高了玉米收获质量。但是基于对比的继续实行最低价收购托市政策的稻谷、小麦的收获质量出现了一定的下降,分析认为这是因为最低价收购保护政策一定程度上削弱了质量价格对收入的影响作用。因此,提出如下政策建议:一是坚持市场化改革方向;二是改变农业支持方式;三是建立一个相对“作物中立”的农业政策。 Increasing the supply of high-quality grain to meet consumers′increasing demand is an important goal of agricultural supply side reform.In 2016,the state implemented the reform of“market pricing,price compensation separation”on the corn purchase and storage(lowest price purchase)system.Based on the analysis of policy mechanism,this paper empirically tests the influence of corn storage system reform on grain harvest quality.The results show that the quality of corn harvest has been improved significantly after the reform of the corn collection and storage system.The spillover effect of the policy makes the effect of the improvement of corn harvest quality in the non policy area consistent with the policy implementation area,showing that the reform of corn purchase and storage system can play the role of price signal of market mechanism,adjust the resource allocation and production structure through the effect of high quality and good price,and improve the quality of corn harvest.However,based on the comparison,the harvest quality of rice and wheat which continue to implement the policy of purchasing at the lowest price to support the market has declined to a certain extent.The analysis shows that this is because the protective policy of purchasing at the lowest price weakens the impact of quality price on income to a certain extent.Therefore,the following policy suggestions are put forward:first,adhering to the direction of market-oriented reform;second,changing the way of agricultural support;third,establishing a relatively“crop neutral”agricultural policy.
作者 宋亮 朱强 SONG Liang;ZHU Qiang(School of Economics and Management, Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036,China;Business School,Huzhou University,Huzhou 313000,China)
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期43-49,共7页 Commercial Research
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“面向企业社会责任的多渠道生鲜农产品供应链协调机制研究”,项目编号:71871110 国家社科基金一般项目“产业融合视角下农业产业化联合体的协同机制及效益评价”,项目编号:17bjy087 安徽省高校人文社会科学研究重点项目“粮食补贴的农户增收机制及其对收入不平等的影响”资助。
关键词 临储政策 价补分离政策 粮食质量 temporary storage policy price subsidy separation policy grain quality
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