
全风化花岗岩地层脉动灌浆控制防渗机理研究 被引量:11

Mechanism of seepage control of pulsating grouting in completely weathered granite stratum
摘要 针对全风化花岗岩地层的基础防渗加固,传统灌浆工艺限制于结构松散难以成孔起压,加剧了地基处理的难度。提出采用"钻灌一体,脉动灌浆"技术工艺;并利用数值模拟实现了不同脉动周期压力、钻灌时间控制参数下浆液渗透扩散规律及脉动周期压力下地层应力–应变的过程分析,通过脉动和稳压灌浆的浆液扩散与防渗影响范围对比,揭示了脉动灌浆防渗控制机理,得出了灌浆参数;结合黏土水泥浆灌浆材料进行了现场工程试验,现场试验验证了控制参数的合理性。试验表明,1.5~2.0 MPa脉动灌浆压力下,单排孔布设间距1 m,常规吕荣试验检查孔段次统计,透水率<2 Lu的占70%;疲劳吕荣试验透水率<3 Lu的比例为97%,透水率稳定区间为0.5~2.4 Lu;破坏吕荣试验透水率稳定区间为2~8.5Lu。灌浆后全风化、强风化地层的岩体完整性均有不同程度的提高,声波提升幅度范围为17.3%~52.5%。检查孔取出的芯样较完整,芯样抗压强度平均达7.3 MPa,且灌浆过程地层抬升小。研究成果对于全风化花岗岩以及同类地层具有较强的应用性,为此类地层防渗处理提供了一个可借鉴的工程案例。 For the foundation reinforcement of the completely weathered granite stratum,the traditional grouting technology is limited to the loose structure,and it is difficult to form holes and to increase pressures,which aggravates the difficulty of foundation treatment.The technology of"drilling and grouting simultaneously,pulsating grouting"is put forward.The numerical simulation is carried out under different pulsating pressures and drilling and grouting time.The analysis of stress-strain of the stratum under pulsating pressures is realized.The control mechanism of pulsating grouting reinforcement is revealed by comparing the influence ranges of slurry diffusion of pulsating grouting and stabilized grouting.The field tests are carried put on the clay-cement slurry to verify the rationality of the control parameters.The numerical simulation results show that under the pulsating grouting pressures of 1.5~2.0 MPa and the spacing of holes of 1 m,according to the statistics of the test holes examined by the routine Lugeon tests,70%of the sections with the permeability is smaller than 2 Lu.By the Lugeon tests on fatigue,the proportion of permeability smaller than 3 Lu is 97%,and the stable permeability is 0.5~2.4 Lu.The stable permeability by the Lugeon tests on damage is 2~8.5 Lu.After grouting,the strata integrity is improved to different degrees,and the acoustic wave elevation range is 17.3%~52.5%.The compressive strength of the core samples reaches 7.3 MPa on average,and the stratum uplift is small during grouting.The results of the study have a better application to the completely weathered granite and the similar strata,and provide a reference case for the reinforcement treatment of such strata.
作者 窦金熙 张贵金 陈安重 杨博石 信瑞亮 蒋煌斌 段吉鸿 李海 DOU Jin-xi;ZHANG Gui-jin;CHEN An-zhong;YANG Bo-shi;XIN Rui-liang;JIANG Huang-bin;DUAN Ji-hong;LI Hai(Changsha University of Science and Technology,Changsha 410114,China;Key Laboratory of Water-Sediment Sciences and Water Disaster Prevention of Hunan Province,Changsha 410114,China;Power China Group,Zhongnan Engineering Corporation Limited,Changsha 410114,China;Honghe Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering of Geological Drilling Team,Mengzi 661400,China)
出处 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期309-318,I0005,I0006,共12页 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51279019) 中国电力投资集团公司重大科技计划项目(2011-036-WLDKJ-X)。
关键词 脉动灌浆 花岗岩 吕荣试验 加固机理 全风化 pulsating grouting granite Lugeon test reinforcement mechanism complete weathering
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