
研究型大学本科教学为何边缘化? 被引量:1

How Is the Undergraduate Teaching Marginalized in the Research-oriented Universities
摘要 学术界在关于研究型大学是“以教学为中心”还是“以科研为中心”的长期争论中,逐渐形成了“教学和科研并重”的趋同判断,但办学实践中却一直存在“重科研而轻教学”的现象。由于本科教育的科研参与量少,重科研而轻教学直接导致了研究型大学本科教育边缘化。但本科教育边缘化并不是研究型大学的病症,而是研究型大学教育资源配置的正常表现,是研究型大学演化的结果。要提高本科教育质量,研究型大学本科教育改革的重心应该从传统的“评教模式”转变为“评学模式”,教师增压导向的本科教育改革并不利于研究型大学的良性发展。 In the long debate that research-oriented universities should center on teaching or scientific research,the agreement has gradually been reached that both teaching and research should be stressed.However,in the actuality of school management,scientific research has always been prioritized,which directly leads to the marginalization of the undergraduate teaching in those research-oriented universities because the undergraduate sector has little contribution to scientific research.This marginalization is not a disease,but the common manifestation of the allocation of educational resources in research-oriented universities,or the result of the evolution of research-oriented universities.If the quality of undergraduate education is to be improved,the center of the undergraduate education reform in research-oriented universities should be shifted from the traditional assessment of teaching and teachers to the assessment of learning and learners.The sort of education reforms based on pressing the teachers is not conducive to the progress of research-oriented universities.
作者 苏明 SU Ming(Nankai University,Tianjin 300350,China)
出处 《扬州大学学报(高教研究版)》 2021年第1期18-22,共5页 Journal of Yangzhou University(Higher Education Study Edition)
基金 天津市教委重大项目“新时代天津市高等教育新使命与创新发展研究”(2018JWZ D37)。
关键词 研究型大学 本科教学 教学与科研 research-oriented universities undergraduate teaching teaching and research
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