
WiNoC中交叉开关仲裁及路由算法设计 被引量:2

Switch Arbitration and Routing Algorithm Design in WiNoC
摘要 WiNoC(Wireless Network-on-Chip)中的无线路由器面临着比传统片上路由器更加严峻的拥塞问题,平衡有线/无线链路负载是当前无线片上网络的研究热点之一.为此本文提出并设计了一种基于优先级的交叉开关仲裁方案PbSA(Priority based Switch allocator),其将优先级更高的无线数据包优先路由至无线路由器;结合PbSA提出了拥塞感知的路由算法CARA(Congestion-Aware Routing Algorithm),该算法有效平衡有线/无线链路负载且避免死锁,提高了数据包在网络中的路由效率.此外,本文还提出了新颖的虚通道划分方法,它不仅减少了实现PbSA的硬件复杂度,而且缓解了无线路由器发生拥塞时对整个网络的影响.实验表明,虽然本文的方案引入了较小的面积和功耗开销,但是具有良好的流量自适应特性,从而在低注入率或高注入率的情况下较好的提升了网络性能. Wireless routers in wireless network on chip confronts more severe congestion problem,so balancing wired/wireless loading has become research focus in WiNoC recently.We propose a priority-based switch arbitration scheme,in which data packets more suitable for transmission through wireless channels are routed to wireless routers;We propose a CARA(Congestion-Aware Routing Algorithm)combined with PbSA,which efficiently balance wired/wireless loading and simultaneously avoid deadlock,improving data routing efficiency.Besides,we propose a new virtual channel partition method,which decreases hardware complex for implementing PbSA,and mitigates the adverse effect caused by wireless router congestion.Evaluation shows that the scheme we proposed achieve fine data flow adaptivity with small area and energy overhead,so to improve network performance and routing efficiency under low or high injection rate.
作者 欧阳一鸣 张鹏 王奇 安鑫 梁华国 OUYANG Yi-ming;ZHANG Peng;WANG Qi;AN Xin;LIANG Hua-guo(School of Computer and Information,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei,Anhui 230009,China;School of Electronic Science & Applied Physics,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei,Anhui 230009,China)
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期518-526,共9页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.61874157)。
关键词 无线片上网络 拥塞避免 交叉开关仲裁 路由算法 虚通道 WiNoC congestion avoidance switch arbitration routing algorithm virtual channel
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