随着以太网技术逐渐走向成熟,列车上的实时以太网的应用需求日渐增加,尤其是近几年发展迅速的高速列车组。其对以太网通信以及实时性要求越来越高。随着国际电工委员会将以太网列车骨干列入了IEC-61375新的标准中后,针对列车上主要通信方式的研究也慢慢高潮化。其主要研究在列车控制单元VCU(Vehicle Control Unit)、显示屏终端设备等一系列设备中进行TCN(列车通信网络Train Communication NetWork)方向的研究探索。使用以太网列车骨干网节点ETBN(Ethernet Train Backbone Node)作为网关,进行相应的DNS(TRDP-MD)以及列车间发送实时数据-过程数据(TRDP-PD)。
With the gradual maturity of Ethernet technology,the application demand of real-time Ethernet on trains is increasing day by day,especially the high-speed train group which develops rapidly in recent years.It requires more and more Ethernet communication and real time.With the inclusion of Ethernet train backbones in the new IEC 61375 standard by the International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC),research on the main communication methods on trains is also slowly reaching its climax.It mainly studies and explores the direction of TCN(Train Communication NetWork)in a series of devices such as VCU(Vehicle Control Unit)and display terminal devices.Ethernet Train Backbone Node is used as the gateway to carry out corresponding DNS(TRDP-MD)and to send real-time data-process data(TRDP-PD)between trains.
MIAO Dai(Colsonic(Suzhou)Electronics Co.,LTD.,Suzhou 215000,China)
Computer and Information Technology