在2020年9月26日-10月5日举行的2020北京国际车展上,博世以"感质博世"为主题,展示了一系列面向未来的电气化、自动化、互联化交通出行创新性技术与前沿解决方案。其中,燃料电池电堆、碳化硅功率器件、智能驾舱首次在中国展出。在9月26日下午举行的新闻发布会上,博世集团董事会成员汽车与智能交通技术业务部门主席Stefan Hartung博士以视频连线的方式进行了现场致词。
At Auto China 2020 in Beijing held during the period from September 26, 2020 to October 5, 2020, Bosch demonstrated a series of innovative technology and cutting-edge solutions for future-oriented electrification, automation and connected travel. Among them, fuel cell stack, silicon carbide power devices and intelligent cabin were exhibited in China for the first time.
Commercial Vehicle