

Identification and Balance of Conflicts in Agricultural Intellectual Property Interest
摘要 农业知识产权制度中不稳定性因素的大量增加、新客体的快速扩展以及地域性与国际性的冲突加剧,使其内外利益冲突愈加明显。其中,外在利益冲突表现为5组正当利益的非对抗性矛盾:权利主体投入与产出、权利保护与农业科技发展、融入规则与改变规则、权利主体与资源提供者、独立权利与多元利益;与此同时,外在利益冲突进一步加剧其内在公-私权属性竞合,公权介入私权的强烈倾向引发对农业知识产权独占性私权性质的质疑,并将加强农业知识产权保护等同于公权救济介入,且过多的公权介入对私权也产生一定的挤出效应。农业知识产权制度中的利益冲突并非不可调和的对抗矛盾,而是正当利益的排序性选择问题,不应借助排除法进行消除,可通过动态、进化的视野寻求多元利益实现、利益衡平公共性达成与社区发展权注入等共享普惠机制来解除,以解决好农业知识产权制度内外利益失衡问题,确保农业知识产权制度绩效的可持续。 With the increase of unstable factors,the rapid expansion of new objects and the intensification of regional and international conflicts in the agricultural intellectual property system,the conflicts of interests within and outside the system become more and more obviously.Among them,the external interest conflict is manifested in five groups of non-confrontational conflicts of legitimate interests:the input and output of the right subject itself,the protection of rights and the development of agricultural science and technology,integration and change of rules,rights subjects and resource providers and the independent rights and multiple interests.At the same time,the external interest conflict of agricultural intellectual property system further intensifies the internal"public-private"property competition and cooperation:the strong tendency of public right to intervene in private right leads to the question of the exclusive nature of agricultural intellectual property right,and the strengthening of agricultural intellectual property protection is equal to the intervention of public right relief,and that the excessive involvement of public rights also produces a certain crowding out effect on exclusive private rights.The conflict of interests in the field of agricultural intellectual property law is not an irreconcilable antagonistic contradiction,but an issue of the ordering choice of legitimate interests,therefore,it should not be eliminated with the help of exclusion method,but through the dynamic and evolutionary vision to seek the realization of multiple interests,the realization of the equity of interests and the injection of community development right and other shared and universal benefit mechanisms,so as to ensure the sustainability of agricultural intellectual property system performance.
作者 李玲玲 李长健 Li Lingling;Li Changjian(Northwest A&F University,Yangling 712100,China;Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan 430074,China)
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期149-157,共9页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“深化基层矛盾的纠纷化解共建共治机制及其风险预判研究”(18ZDA166)。
关键词 农业知识产权制度 利益冲突 利益衡平 agricultural intellectual property system conflict of interest interests in equity
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