
孕期糖皮质激素暴露所致子代长骨发育异常研究进展 被引量:2

Research progress of long bone dysplasiacaused by glucocorticoid exposure during pregnancy
摘要 胎儿长骨发育的主要形式为软骨内成骨。近年来研究表明,孕期母体因不良环境暴露产生的高水平内源性糖皮质激素(glucocorticoid,GC)及因早产而使用的人工合成类GC可通过胎盘进入胎儿体内,引起胎儿血GC水平升高,导致宫内发育迟缓并影响胎儿软骨内成骨。这种影响可进一步延续至出生后甚至老年,导致子代骨质疏松症易感且具有可遗传性。该综述概述了当前孕妇GC暴露现状,总结宫内GC暴露对子代长骨发育的近期影响和远期危害,并阐述可能的宫内内分泌编程机制,为防治孕期GC暴露所致胎源性长骨疾病,探索发育源性疾病未来研究方向奠定理论基础。 The main form of fetal long bone development is endochondral ossification.In recent years,studies have shown that the mother during pregnancy with bad environmental exposure to high levels of endogenous glucocorticoid(GC)and premature use of artificial synthetic GC can go through the placenta into the fetal body,cause fetal blood GC levels,leading to intrauterine retardation,and affect fetal cartilage ossification.This effect can extend beyond birth and even into old age,leading to susceptibility and heritability of osteoporosis in offsprings.This review summarizes the current status of glucocorticoid exposure during pregnancy,summarizes the short-term and long-term effects of intrauterine GC exposure on long bone development in offsprings,and explains the possible mechanism of intrauterine endocrine programming,which lays a theoretical foundation for the prevention and treatment of fetal bone diseases caused by GC exposure during pregnancy and the future research direction of developmental diseases.
作者 王佳琪 倪曲波 肖浩 汪晖 陈廖斌 WANG Jia-qi;NI Qu-bo;XIAO Hao;WANG Hui;CHEN Liao-bin(Dept of Orthopedic Surgery,Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University,Wuhan 430071,China;Hubei Provincial Key Lab of Developmentally Originated Disease,Wuhan 430071,China;Dept of Pharmacology,Basic Medical School of Wuhan University,Wuhan 430071,China)
出处 《中国药理学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期445-449,共5页 Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin
基金 国家重点研发计划(No 2020YFA0803900)。
关键词 长骨发育 糖皮质激素 孕期 地塞米松 外源物暴露 骨质疏松症 long bone development glucocorticoids pregnancy dexamethasone exogenous exposure osteoporosis
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