

Screening and Ecological Adaptability Analysis of Double Cropping Silage Maize Varieties in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
摘要 青贮玉米对于我国"粮改饲"种植结构调整和畜牧养殖业发展具有重要意义。2018~2019年在河北省京津以南10个试点对6个青贮玉米品种进行早春季和晚夏季双季种植,对其产量及生态适应性进行分析和比较,以筛选出适宜双季青贮玉米生产的地区和品种,为京津冀地区发展高产高效双季青贮玉米种植模式提供参考。结果表明:2018~2019年参试青贮玉米品种的全年青体产量为74681~126847 kg/hm^(2),平均92255 kg/hm^(2);全年干物质产量为24432~30712 kg/hm^(2),平均27900 kg/hm^(2)。10个试点中,辛集、故城、黄骅、涿州和曲周等试点的年青体产量和干物质产量水平均较高,适合双季青贮玉米种植。参试品种中,方玉3201、祥玉19和方玉1201的干物质产量水平较高且稳定性好,适合双季青贮玉米种植。同一品种晚夏季的产量和生长速率均高于早春季,但不同年份的增幅不同。 S ilage maize is important for the adjustment of crop planting structure and development of animal husbandry in China.Six silage maize varieties were planted in early spring and late summer in 10 pilot sites in the south of Beijing and Tianjin in Hebei Province from 2018 to 2019,the yield and ecological adaptability were analyzed and compared in order to screen out the areas and varieties suitable for double cropping silage maize planting,which could provid reference for the development of high-yield and high-efficiency double cropping silage maize planting patterns in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.The results showed that the annual fresh weight of varieties tested from 2018 to 2019 ranged from 74681 to 126847 kg/hm^(2),and the average was 92255 kg/hm^(2).The annual dry matter yield of the varieties tested ranged from 24432 to 30712 kg/hm^(2),and the average was92255 kg/hm^(2).Among the 10 pilots,Xinji,Gucheng,Huanghua,Zhuozhou and Quzhou had high levels of annual fresh weight and dry matter yield,which were suitable for double cropping silage maize planting.Among the varieties tested,Fangyu 3201,Xiangyu 19 and Fangyu 1201 had high and stable dry matter yield,which were suitable for double cropping planting.The yield and growth rate of the same variety were higher in late summer than in early spring,and the increase range in different years was different.
作者 李青松 方华 杨坤杰 梁秋华 胡颖 方晓春 马中义 穆云森 王冰嵩 张莹莹 LI Qing-song;FANG Hua;YANG Kun-jie;LIANG Qiu-hua;HU Ying;FANG Xiao-chun;MA Zhong-yi;MU Yun-sen;WANG Bing-song;ZHANG Ying-ying(Chengde Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Chengde 067000,China;Chengde College of Applied Technology,Chengde 067000,China)
出处 《河北农业科学》 2020年第6期36-40,共5页 Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences
基金 河北省重点研发计划项目(18226342D)。
关键词 京津冀 双季青贮玉米 品种 生态适应性 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Double cropping silage maize Variety Ecological adaptability
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