

Research into the Narrative Space Form of Agricultural Sacrifice Songs in The Book of Songs
摘要 空间作为一种有效介入文本叙事进程的手段,已在《诗经》农祭乐歌中运用实践。依托农祭仪式在实际场合的搬演流动,乐歌通过钩稽农祭仪式的意义关联事项,记录构拟出一系列可辨识感知的地理空间、精神空间等文学性空间,叙事空间遂之生成。由此,《诗经》农祭乐歌的叙事空间形态可分为豳地风俗直叙下的原始粗犷空间,祭祀仪式统摄的封闭肃穆空间,外部叙事质素介入的开放疏阔空间,个人情感宣泄的微观精神空间等类型,其间可抉发空间对于推动事件发展进程的标记、层叠、悬置、延续作用。《诗经》农祭乐歌中多种叙事空间形态的出现,彰显出空间因素在早期诗歌艺术生成中不容忽视的地位,有效推动了后世中国古典诗歌叙事质素的承继嬗变。 As an effective means of intervening in the text’s narrative process,space has been applied in the agricultural sacrifice songs of The Book of Songs.Depending on the movement of agricultural sacrifice ceremony in the actual situation,the songs record and reconstruct a series of discernible and perceptible literary space such as geographic and spiritual space by examining the events related to the meaning of agricultural sacrifice ceremony.The narrative space then comes into being.As a result,the narrative space forms of the agricultural sacrifice songs can be divided into the following ones:primitive rough space shown in the customs of Bin,closed and solemn space controlled by sacrificial ceremony,open and broadly scattered space of outer narrative quality involvement,and micro-spiritual space of personal emotional catharsis,etc.We can then discover the functions of marking,stacking,suspension and continuation of space promoting the development process of events.The emergence of various narrative space forms in the agricultural sacrifice songs shows that the position of space factor can not be ignored in the early poetic art generation,which is beneficial to promoting the inheritance and evolution of narrative quality of Chinese classical poetry.
作者 吕树明 LÜShuming(School of Literature, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen 041004, China)
出处 《鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第2期49-55,共7页 Ludong University Journal:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“《诗经》与礼制研究”(16ZDA172)。
关键词 《诗经》 农祭乐歌 叙事空间 祭祀仪式 形态特征 The Book of Songs agricultural sacrifice song narrative space sacrificial ceremony form feature
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