A divergent gas-puff Z pinch has been devised for the realization of an efficient soft x-ray point source.In this device,a divergent hollow annular gas puff is ejected outward from the surface of the inner electrode,and the plasma is compressed three-dimensionally to generate a soft x-ray point source.In the SHOTGUN III-U device at Nihon University,the power supply was enhanced,and experiments were conducted over a larger current range.The peak current at the charging voltage of−25 kV was−190 kA.Ar was used as the discharge gas.The self-contraction process of the plasma was investigated in detail using a gated camera.Near the peak current,local contraction occurred in front of the inner electrode.The contraction velocity of the plasma was 5.53×10^(4)m/s.As the plasma contracted,the discharge current decreased.The energy input was analyzed by induction acceleration.The net input energy was found to be 750 J,which corresponded to 13.3%of the stored energy of the capacitor,5630 J.The soft x-ray source was observed using a soft x-ray CCD camera.A point source was observed 7mmin front of the inner electrode.The size of the source was 35μm in the axial direction and 14μm in the radial direction.