In the process of house purchase,both parties use property rights to provide guarantee for the loan.The law defines this be-havior,how does the judicial practice determine the validity of the sale and purchase contract,and whether the behavior of the two parties has not reached a true purchase and sale agreement,whether it constitutes a“conspiracy Hypocrisy”is open to discussion in academic theory.In my country's judicial practice,the usual external legal form of this behavior is the legal relationship between the two parties'house purchase and sale,while the hidden legal form is a guarantee relationship.According to Article 24 of the“Judicial Interpretation of Private Lending”,the people's court shall conduct trials in accordance with the legal relationship of private lending.It can be seen that the clause negates the validity of the sales contract.The reason why the law denies the validity of the sales con-tract is that the contract concluded by the two parties is similar to the exiled clause.The integral right(usually the ownership)of the subject matter is used as a guarantee,which is not conducive to guaranteeing the equal status of both parties in the civil law.The principle of fairness and equality are contradictory.
Fan Fan(Guizhou University of Finance and Economics,College of Liberal Arts and Law,Guiyang,Guizhou 550025)
Jiangsu Commercial Forum
transfer guarantee
false expression of intent
exiled clause
invalid contract