
浅析水中重金属在线监测技术 被引量:1

Analysis on the Online Monitoring Technology of Heavy Metals in Water
摘要 对于水中重金属的治理,生态环境相关工作人员要及时进行水中重金属含量和成分的分析,并制定相应的治理措施。水中重金属在线监测技术的应用较为广泛,该技术包含多种类型,可及时进行复杂重金属的全面监测。相关技术人员必须了解对应技术问题,并及时掌握相关的操作技巧,结合重金属种类选择合适的在线监测技术。 For the treatment of heavy metals in water,the relevant staff of the ecological environment should analyze the content and composition of heavy metals in the water in time,and formulate corresponding treatment measures.On-line monitoring technology of heavy metals in water is widely used.The technology includes multiple types and can perform comprehensive monitoring of complex heavy metals in time.Relevant technical personnel must understand the corresponding technical issues,and timely master the relevant operating skills,combined with the types of heavy metals to select the appropriate online monitoring technology.
作者 胡媛媛 HU Yuan-yuan(Hebei Province Chengde Ecological Environment Monitoring Center,Chengde 067000,China)
出处 《世界有色金属》 2021年第2期231-232,共2页 World Nonferrous Metals
关键词 重金属 在线监测技术 环境保护 heavy metals online monitoring technology environmental protection
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