【目的】外来入侵物种作为猎物可能影响本土广谱捕食者的搜寻和捕食行为。本研究旨在揭示异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis对与本土豌豆修尾蚜Megoura japonica混合发生的外来入侵扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis的搜寻和捕食行为。【方法】试验前对异色瓢虫设两个饲喂猎物种类处理:用扶桑绵粉蚧连续饲养3代以上(前期饲喂粉蚧的瓢虫)和用豌豆修尾蚜连续饲养3代以上(前期饲喂蚜虫的瓢虫)。在盆栽蚕豆Vicia faba苗上随机选一片叶接扶桑绵粉蚧3龄若虫和3或4日龄豌豆修尾蚜若蚜,在总猎物数量20-30头(具体数量随机确定)范围内随机组配两种猎物数量使粉蚧占比从5.6%至83.3%不等,待猎物在叶片上稳定后接入1头饥饿24 h的异色瓢虫4龄幼虫,连续观察2 h,统计异色瓢虫首次捕食是否选择粉蚧、捕食的粉蚧数量占总捕食猎物数量的比例、搜索用时占总搜捕用时的比例以及处理粉蚧用时占总搜捕用时的比例;以扶桑绵粉蚧在猎物斑块中的比例和饲喂猎物种类处理为自变量因素,用回归模型拟合其对异色瓢虫搜寻和捕食行为等观测变量的影响。【结果】异色瓢虫4龄幼虫首次捕食选择粉蚧概率随粉蚧比例增大而增大,粉蚧比例每增大10%,首次捕食粉蚧概率增大77.2%,而且此概率不受此前饲喂猎物种类的影响。捕食的粉蚧数量占比与粉蚧比例的关系受饲喂猎物种类的影响:粉蚧比例每增加10%,前期饲喂粉蚧的瓢虫捕食的粉蚧数量占比增大137%,而前期饲喂蚜虫的瓢虫捕食的粉蚧数量占比增大60%。异色瓢虫搜索用时比例受粉蚧比例的影响,但不受饲喂猎物种类的影响:粉蚧比例每增加10%,搜索用时比例增大13%;前期饲喂粉蚧的瓢虫搜索用时比例略低于前期饲喂蚜虫的瓢虫(降低7%)。异色瓢虫处理粉蚧用时比例受粉蚧比例的影响,但不受饲喂猎物种类的影响:粉蚧比例每增加10%,处理粉蚧用时比例增大41%。【结论】本研究结果说明在遭遇外来入侵扶桑绵粉蚧与本土蚜虫共存的猎物斑块时,异色瓢虫对粉蚧的捕食选择依赖于其相对比例,依赖程度因此前取食粉蚧而增强。
【Aim】The alien invasive species as prey may influence the foraging and predation behaviors of native generalist predators.This study aims to clarify the foraging and predation behaviors of the harlequin ladybird(Harmonia axyridis)on the alien cotton mealybug(Phenacoccus solenopsis)co-existing with a native bean aphid(Megoura japonica).【Methods】Two feeding treatments were previously applied to H.axyridis,in which H.axyridis ladybirds were fed with P.solenopsis and M.japonica,respectively,for more than three generations before the experiment and thus referred to as mealybug-fed and aphid-fed ladybirds,respectively.Vicia faba seedlings were provided as substrates,on which one prey combination patch on a leaf was set up and exposed to one individual of the 4th instar larva of H.axyridis that had been starved for 24 h,and the patch consisted of both the 3rd instar nymphs of P.solenopsis and the 3-or 4-day-old nymphs of M.japonica with mealybugs accounting for 5.6%-83.3% in total 20-30 individuals(specific numbers were determined at random).The ladybird larva was thereafter followed for 2 h to record its first attack of prey and the proportions of consumed mealybugs in the total number of prey,searching time in the total time,and prey-handling time in the total searching time.Regression models were applied to determine the probability of the first attack on mealybugs and other observed variables as a function of previously fed prey species and the proportion of available mealybugs in the patch.【Results】The 4th instar larva of H.axyridis increased the probability of making its first attack on mealybugs with the proportion of available mealybugs,increased by 77.2% for each 10% increase in the proportion of available mealybugs;however,this probability was not influenced by the species of previously fed prey.The relationship between the proportion of mealybugs in the total prey consumed by H.axyridis and the proportion of available mealybugs depended on the species of previously fed prey:the proportion of consumed mealybugs increased by 137% for the ladybird that was previously fed with mealybugs while by 60% as fed with aphids with each 10% increase in the proportion of available mealybugs.The proportion of searching time in the total foraging time of H.axyridis was influenced by the proportion of available mealybugs but not by the species of previously fed prey,being increased by 13% with each 10% increase in the proportion of available mealybugs and slightly reduced by 7% for the ladybird previously fed with mealybugs as opposed to that with aphids.The proportion of mealybug-handling time among the total foraging time of H.axyridis was influenced by the proportion of available mealybugs but not by the species of previously fed prey,being increased by 41% for each 10% increase in the proportion of available mealybugs.【Conclusion】The results of this study suggest that H.axyridis may exercise a prey frequency-dependent predation on P.solenopsis coexisting with native aphids in a patch,and such dependence may become stronger if it has the experience of predation on the mealybug.
LIU Jing-Ya;LI Zhuo-Miao;LI Bao-Ping;MENG Ling(Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Crop Diseases and Pests,Ministry of Education,College of Plant Protection,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China)
Acta Entomologica Sinica
Phenacoccus solenopsis
alien invasive species
prey selection
prey switching
predator-prey interaction
density dependence