
接噪工人听力保护知识问卷的编制及信度和效度检验 被引量:1

Preparation of hearing protection knowledge questionnaire and test of its reliability and validity
摘要 目的编制接触噪声工人听力保护知识问卷,并检验其信度和效度。方法查阅相关文献资料,咨询职业健康与职业卫生专家,形成工人听力保护知识的陈述性调查问卷,条目以Likert 5级法赋值,对原33个条目进行探索性因子分析,再采用Amos 21.0软件建立结构方程模型,设定路径因子,进行验证性因子分析。结果原始接触噪声工人听力保护知识问卷包含33个条目,经量表区分度检验、信度检验,问卷保留31个条目,此时Cronbach’sα系数为0.904,折半信度为0.860;经探索性因子分析,问卷最后确定为4个维度(公因子)17个条目,其中公因子1命名为"听力防护",包含条目40、37、36、34、39、38;公因子2命名为"防护习惯",包含条目为30、29、28、31;公因子3命名为"听力健康",包含因子为16、15、17、23;公因子4命名为"职业噪声",包含因子为12、9、10。经验证性因子分析,模型拟合的卡方自由度比χ2/df、近似误差均方根(RMSEA)、均方根残差(RMR)、拟合优度指数(GFI)、比较拟合指数(CFI)、规范拟合指数(NFI)、增值拟合指数(IFI)分别为2.837、0.080、0.000、0.973、0.915、0.879、0.916,模型拟合度较好。模型4个因子平均方差萃取值(AVE)为0.565~0.698,组合信度(CR)为0.794~0.983,模型聚合效度较好。4个因子Pearson相关系数为0.47~0.75,因子1、因子2、因子3、因子4的AVE平方根值为0.75、0.84、0.76、0.78。区分效度较好。结论获得的接触噪声工人听力保护知识问卷具有良好的信度和效度,基本反映了个体听力保护方面的知识,可作为听力防护知识评估的参考或调查工具。 Objective A questionnaire for survey on hearing protection knowledge was prepared,and its reliability and validity were tested. Methods The questionnaire was firstly developed based on relevant literature and consultation of experts in the area of occupational health. The original 33 items assigned 5 levels were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis. Then the structural equation model was established by using AMOS 21.0 software,the path factor was set up,and the confirmatory factor analysis was performed. Results The original hearing protection knowledge questionnaire contained 33 items,and the final version contained 17 items with 4 dimensions after exploratory factor analysis. The Cronbach’s α coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.904,and the reduced half reliability of the questionnaire was 0.860.The common factor 1 was named as hearing protection,including item 40,37,36,34,39 and 38;the common factor 2 was named as protection habits,including item 30,29,28 and 31;the common factor 3 was named as hearing health,including item 16,15,17 and 23;and the common factor 4 was named as occupational noise,including item 12,9 and 10. The verified and factor analysis showed that the χ2/df derived from model fitting,residual root mean square(RMSEA),root mean square error of approximation(RMR),goodness of fit index(GFI),comparative fitting index(CFI),standard fitting index(NFI),and value-added fitting index(IFI)were 2.837,0.080,0.000,0.973,0.915,0.879,and 0.916,respectively,indicating that the fit of the model was good. The average variance extraction(AVE) values of the four factors in the model were 0.565-0.698,and the combined reliability(CR) values were 0.794-0.983,indicating a good polymerization validity of the model. The Pearson correlation coefficients of four factors were 0.469-0.75,and the AVE square root values were 0.752-0.835,indicating good discriminant validity. Conclusions The hearing protection knowledge questionnaire has good reliability and validity. It can reflect the individual hearing protection knowledge of surveyed workers,and can be used as a survey tool for assessment of hearing protection knowledge.
作者 柳春 罗杰明 孔敏玲 王星力 LIU Chun;LUO Jieming;KONG Minling;WANG Xinli(Guangzhou Panyu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Guangzhou,Guangdong 411500,China)
出处 《职业卫生与应急救援》 2021年第1期40-44,共5页 Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue
基金 广州市番禺区科技工业商务和信息化局立项项目(2017-Z04-46)。
关键词 噪声 听力保护 问卷编制 信度 效度 noise hearing protection questionnaire preparation reliability validity
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